CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - 48-year-old Jason Brown was arrested Tuesday for violating state law when he hung banners with Nazi messaging off an I-4 overpass. As of Wednesday afternoon he remains in …
Let me just point this out: He wasn't arrested for hanging Nazi shit...
He was arrested for not getting permission first.
That's incredible... State Statute 876.12-15 actually disallow wearing masks for "events" such as these, and none of these scumbags are getting arrested for it. They're just getting arrested for not having a permit first.
Them: Now, now, we can't make ideas illegal even if they're morally detestable. That would be quite a slippery slope. After all, imagine what it would be like if government had that power and someone who disagreed with you was in charge.
Me: Well that's a relief, I can feel comfortable knowing that my rights are protected even as a {any ideology left of Reagan}.
I hate this idea that all views must be tolerated. Besides, Nazism has had its say, and we've all agreed it should be stamped out. Fuck anyone who waves a Nazi flag, I don't wanna hear anything they have to say.
Yeah, this could be a whole theme, giving nice things they don't like to nice people they don't like: Target gift cards for drag queens, banned books for migrant children, electric cars for teachers, etc.
Earlier this year, Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 269, which includes provisions that prohibit individuals from displaying or projecting images onto a building, structure, or property without permission.