He is a million times better than Trump and has far far less blood on his hands than either Trump or Biden
Turkiye isn't engaging in economic warfare against Europe
Turkiye welcomed Syrian and Ukrainian refugees escaping the wars
Turkiye supports Ukraine in various ways such as drones
Turkiye is a Muslim country as well as a European country, so it is in an odd place to be but also bridges both worlds.
Edit: I know about the Kurds, I am from the Middle East. Turkiye had a history of racist nationalism that Erdogan actually campaigns against. Turkiye and Erdogan are not angels or innocent but are a far lesser evil than many others.
Well the fact that, no fewer than 3 times, the Great British Bake-off judges have said something to the effect of “Wow! Your combination of peanuts and jam is a brilliant and unique flavor!” has taught me that maybe we really do have something to share with the world.
Besides the stuff people already listed, I know sections like this here in Germany, and they often (not always) just have "American style" products - basically some weird hybrids of what a European imagines America to be like, but for European palates. So I bet - unless this was a section with true import stuff - any American would be confused why they never heard of any of these products.
I'm imagining peanut butter, BBQ sauce, pumpkin pie filling, and maybe a few breakfast foods like cream of wheat. Not all of our foods are terrible nightmares, they're just either available in different aisles or not super popular to justify being everywhere.
The intersection of "American", "novelty" and "popular enough to import but not enough to fully stock" is probably mostly candy, pop tarts and Lucky charms.
The last time trump was around and pulled this type of shit peanut butter was one of the things people had issues with, since the US produces a lot of peanuts and peanut butter.
I'm German and I suspect it's a bit cringier than that. Out of the products you listed peanut butter is the only one that's available virtually everywhere. You can get all of the other stuff as well but mostly online or at dedicated candy shops. The only other item I can think of is Jack Daniel's and probably some other spirits. So what was sold in the US section? The answer is probably German made stuff that's stereotypically American. This may include spray cheese, creatively flavored bbq sauces, other condiments like relish, brioche burger and hot dog buns, cookies, brownies, muffins, donuts and my favorite because you guys don't even eat that: actual plastic buckets filled with sweet popcorn.
I'm willing to grant, however, that in a grocery store the aisles could be interpreted as the areas where the shoppers and employees stroll, around a very organized archipelago of shelving islands/isles stacked with merchandise.
helva is a bit on the sweet side (read: potentially heart attack inducing) as far as I'm concerned, but each to their own. The hearty foods however... <3
This "buy european" campaign sound like nationalistic bullshit to me. Here you are replacing american products with products from a country ruled by a dictator.
It's not american, it's divided states of american - there's actual countries in America, unlike the divided states ruled by a fascist silicon valley elite with a puppet in the white house
Erdoğan is a totalitarian, but there's a higher chance for him to be defeated in elections (and him giving up power) than for the Republinazis.
Turkish people - including those who voted for the totalitarian leader - are absolutely more likable than MAGA dipshits.
Maybe a bit but Europe is not a country. Also these products don't get any special treatment from the governments so this movement is fuelled by the people, for better or worse