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morgunkorn morgunkorn
Posts 36
Comments 422
*pulls up custom glittery myspace page from 2006*
  • Yes! Thank you!

    I tried to find something witty but my morning brain wasn't functioning properly ^^'

  • The art critic
  • Most people from the rest of France also despise the Parisians, there's something infuriating about them.

  • The art critic
  • That's no Chad behavior though, this one would be more adequate:

  • ich🦿iel
  • Oooh danke 🫨 Wird auf Hochglanzpapier gedruckt, eingerahmt und aufgegangen 🥳🤩

  • ich🎥🍆iel
  • Hmm stimmt, wobei es ging mehr um den Selbstkorrekturvorschlag. Wie soll ich bestraft werden?

  • rule
  • Jo, ich, Boomer, habe unerfolgreich versucht eine Antwort zu pfostieren

  • ich🎥🍆iel
  • (2012)

  • ich🎥🍆iel
  • (2012)

  • ich🎥🍆iel
  • gute (wort)wahl ^^

  • rule
  • I first read t4t as "tit for tat" ^^

  • The Princess and the Pea
  • Thank you 🥰 I'll do anything for her that's for sure! The photo was taken yesterday, on her 16th birthday

  • ich🎥🍆iel
    1. Juli 2012 😄
  • ich🎥🍆iel

    Alter Bildschuss vom Handy

    The Princess and the Pea
  • Yeah we call her our little suricate! She got an ear infection a few years ago and after the surgery her ear structure collapsed. She however still hears well and I help her every week with the cleaning (her favorite moment)

  • The Princess and the Pea

    Oubliette rule
  • It's a well, aktchually

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? July 15
  • They were also pretty cheap, considering the quality! (ordered with Thalia)

  • ich🥨🇮🇩🍻iel


    Meet Zadig, little Maine Coon

    He's coming to my friends's family in 8 weeks, still spending some time with his momma until he's ready




    Never trust a Train...

    They have Loco Motives !


    Ore snatching much sir?

    New information has surfaced, Docm77's revenge is cooking


    Friendly encounter

    This beauty was cuddling with a car when I went past her on my bike. I stopped and she came to me and purred immediately, very sweet ☺️


    Front and Backflipping


    Immersive 4k spherical recording of Cleo vs. Doc Trial

    This is so incredible to watch, you feel like you're one of the hermits :D


    Veni vidi Vichy

    Une du journal communiste italien "il manifesto" du 2 juillet 2024

    > # Veni vidi Vichy > > Le gouvernement a ouvert la porte à la droite, et en anticipant le vote, il l'a ouverte en grand. Et maintenant Macron reste vague sur la désolidarisation (?) avec le Front populaire, et beaucoup de macroniens la rejettent. La gauche avec ses candidats fait "barrage", mais le second tour risque de ramener la France à son passé noir.


    These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot


    Attempt at trading with a child

    5 Linus Torvalds to Rewrite the Linux Kernel in PHP

    Linus Torvalds reveals plans to rewrite the Linux kernel using the web dev langue: PHP. The news has cause controversy among the tech community

    Finally i'm gonna be able to contribute!


    Mina Gadse schläfd in dr Sonne


    It's whiskers lickin' good


    Schrift auf Ziegelstein entziffern

    Hi! Ich baue aktuell einen Erdkeller mit einem Tonnengewölbe aus Ziegelsteine die von alten Gebäuden gewonnen wurden.

    Beim Säubern habe ich eine Handschrift unter dem Kalkzement enthüllt und wundere was es bedeutet. Kann jemand hier vielleicht helfen? Danke ☺️

    Die obere Zeile sieht wie "Ludwig" aus

    Ich habe auch versucht auf dem Foto die Rinnen nachzumalen, vielleicht hilft das?


    Mehr über das Bauprojekt hier 1/2 und hier 2/2


    You shall be remembered


    Shana needs warmth (and love)


    Welsknight posted an unreleased animated Diss track against Docm77 from the feud in S7
