[Completed] Lemmy.World maintenance/downtime 2025-02-22 19:00-19:30 UTC
while preparation our upcoming Lemmy update we're also be updating to a newer database version, which will provide additional performance benefits and functionality.
We are planning for around 10 minutes of downtime for the database update between 19:00-19:30 UTC on 22nd of February. This is not yet the planned Lemmy update, we will be announcing that separately when we are ready.
A friend of mine never uses UTC. What an idiot. Seriously, what a dumbass. Somone one should tell him what time that would be in EST. God, he's so dumb.
I'd be pleased if a time was also mentioned that relates to the local server time; and I don't even care which time zone. I can convert from all five zones way faster than loading a javascript-tainted URL, cursing, going back, reopening in a private window, enabling js, reloading, closing.
For me the faster VACUUM would be reason enough to migrate :-) But I think overall it's best to keep up-to-date and a few minutes downtime is worth it.
One benefit is that you have a tested upgrade path if you keep up with versions. If you don’t and you make big jumps in version when you update, there’s a chance that you’ll run into an untested situation that causes an issue.
Friends, posters, lurkers... Lend me your upvotes. For lo, in a mere day, the doors of Lemmy shall be shuttered. Our memes cast into the abyss. Our shitposts left orphaned. Unsent. O wretched fate! O cruel, unfeeling cosmos! How shall we endure? Thirty minutes is no mere blip in the timeline of our bumbling digital existence. It is an ERA. An epoch of suffering! Civilizations rise and fall in such time! Legends are written, heroes are forged, and here I will sit, my hands trembling, no memes able to posted, no takes able to be unleashed, no silly little guys to upvote. What shall become of me? Shall I gaze into the empty abyss of my own thoughts? Speak to the people I live with?
No. That way lies madness. I shall be but a husk, a shattered remnant of who I once was, awaiting the sweet release of Lemmy’s return. And yet, even in my darkest hour, I take solace in one thing: at least I do not have to spend these thirty minutes on startrek.website, that lawless den of fools, where moderation is a myth, the admins are as competent as a warp core made of wet paper, and every discussion devolves into a petty slap fight between people who somehow all deserve to lose. If the fabric of reality must be torn asunder for thirty minutes, let it be here, and not in that cursed wasteland.
Hold fast, my fellow posters. We shall weather this storm. We shall endure this trial. And when the servers rise again, like Kahless reborn, I shall return to these lands with memes twice as cursed, takes twice as deranged, and an unbroken will! Stronger. Funnier. Hornier. Steel your hearts. Prepare to refresh your pages. Let not the darkness take you for the MEMES SHALL RISE AGAIN.