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MrKaplan MrKaplan
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Comments 71
How can I message the Admins/mods/Devs?
  • I'm a member of the Lemmy.World admin team.

    Also, anyone can look at the moderation log at

  • Couldn't post thread until removing (third-party/external image host) embed from post body
  • Hi,

    we've lifted the ban on embedded ibb images (direct image links) now.

  • How can I message the Admins/mods/Devs?
  • It depends on who you're trying to message.

    Admins of Lemmy.World: see the post that @[email protected] linked already
    Admins of
    Community moderators: check the community sidebar, it will show the moderator list

    Your Lemmy.World account has been unbanned a couple days ago btw.

  • I think thread deletion is problematic and needs some consideration and changes
  • It's not automatic, admins have the option to ban with or without content removal.

    Different instances deal with this differently and admins are also humans that sometimes make mistakes. Especially during holiday season there are frequently trolls running around with racist, transphobic or other offensive content. Sometimes they're more obvious, sometimes they try to fly under the radar a bit by being less direct. In the end you're at the mercy of the instance admins of the instance you signed up with and many instances will provide contact information to appeal bans.

    Since this account was not a Lemmy.World account it's not up to us to decide whether or not the user should be banned and whether their content should be removed.

  • I think thread deletion is problematic and needs some consideration and changes
  • If you're referring to the post Ex Redditors of Lemmy what made you come on over? What happened at Reddit that you made the switch?, their account was banned for trolling and all content associated with the account was removed.

    Some examples of their post titles, that likely contributed to their ban
    • African Americans (I hope that PC) have you ever gotten the N word tossed at you and how did you react or feel?
    • How come in most games including the community of gaming I can't mention the word Nazi for have a civil conversation?

    They also had a number of other posts that seemed to be doing just fine, so it might be falling in the "stupid kid" category.

    The post has since been restored by a community moderator, although the user's account on is still banned:

  • comments are broken
  • works fine for me both logged in and not logged in. can you reproduce this in a private browser window?

  • Lemmy cookie expiring and forgetting everything?
  • looking over the mlmym code, it appears that there is a hardcoded cookie expiration of 30 days.

    You might want to raise an issue on GitHub about this.

  • Planned Server Maintenance 6/30 Sunday 1700 UTC
  • image proxying is currently not usable for us anyway, see e.g.

  • Planned Server Maintenance 6/30 Sunday 1700 UTC
  • correct.

    we don't have an eta currently. we're still keeping an eye on issues reported by other instances.

    which features are you looking for?

  • Active communities promotion thread
  • @[email protected], you might have been posting only for LW users for a while :-/

    this is unfortunately correct for the time being.

    while we still have aggressive rate limits in place to limit federation impact from kbin bugs, which started with the measures that @[email protected] mentioned, this wouldn't impact activities coming from towards

    while used to break down every now and then based on what i saw people comment, service was typically restored within a short period of time. more recently however, any time i've looked at in the past couple weeks, it's only been showing an error page. i suspect it may have been unavailable the entire time, not just at the times i looked at it. looking at our federation stats, the last successfully sent activity from to was dated 2024-06-18 00:12:25 UTC, although the actual send date may have been later. successful is also not necessarily guaranteed, as some error codes might be misinterpreted as success due to how servers can be set up and how response status codes are interpreted on the sending side.

    if activities sent from don't reach then the posts and comments won't be relayed to other instances. this is generally an issue in activitypub when instances are down, as such "orphaned" (at the time) communities effectively become local-only communities, isolated islands on all instances that already know about them.

    at this point, the last time we've received an activity submission (federation traffic) from as on 18th of June, so it seems like it was working for some time on that day and has been broken since.

    at the start of this month, @[email protected] ( owner, main kbin dev) said that he was going to hand over management of to someone else, as he's currently unable to take care of it. presumably this hasn't happened yet.

  • What's changed in the Alexandrite interface?
  • if everything works people typically don't post.

    although @[email protected] hasn't had any activity here recently, that doesn't necessarily mean he's not active. also, there might be other people who had the same issue and found a solution, which there probably is one if this just started recently.

    or maybe there won't be a response, but you won't find out if you don't try.

  • What's changed in the Alexandrite interface?
  • The [email protected] community is probably a better place to ask this. just runs the latest version of alexandrite, although there haven't been any updates recently.

  • We have GOT to do something about these bots....
  • this doesn't seem to be targeted against you, just someone not liking the comment. some people order their feed by e.g. active, so such cases will show up quickly.

  • We have GOT to do something about these bots....
  • looking at your recent comments from the last 3 days, many of your comments don't have any downvotes. am I missing something?

  • Request to un-delete c/climate
  • it's restored

  • Request to un-delete c/climate
  • this appears to be a UI bug, via API call this can be done.

  • Request to un-delete c/climate
  • somewhere in this box? it only shows the option for a moderator i believe

  • Request to un-delete c/climate
  • as you deleted it yourself you should be able to undelete it by visiting