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Rooki Rooki

I am Rooki Cookie. I am a programmer and i try to help everyone :)


Posts 124
Comments 1.6K
Unable to post
  • Hi,

    It could be that there was a short term issue on the backend, did you select a language? Do you use a vpn?

  • Hallo Mitbürger
  • Guten Tag

  • Looking for new Site Admins
  • Dont tell anyone but there is a possibility that i already did that /s

  • Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative
  • Could i ask how can you be one of the reddit exodus users if your account is 2 days old?

    If you wanna leave lemmy do it on your main account to proof you are one of the over a year old accounts.

    That we can salute and press F to the fallen user.

  • Is this still freedom of speech or it crosses into hate?
  • Hello INeedMana,

    until further notice we removed and banned the user that created those communities. If he really wants to open a full porno community he should go to a dedicated instance.

  • Would it be possible to run two OSs simultaneously by hibernating one of the OSs?
  • If i may ask what OS and for what do you dual boot? Windows and Linux? Gaming?

  • Looking for new Site Admins
  • Lemmy Silver

  • Looking for new Site Admins
  • Thanks for your interest in moderation. If you want you can always ask either a popular community if you can help out or request a unmoderated community takeover and if anything isnt working for you, you can always create a new community!

  • Heathcliff without Heathcliff furever home.
  • Looks already good!

  • Potential spam communities
  • My guess SEO spam

  • Potential spam communities
  • I banned the users and removed the communities.

    Thanks for reporting

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Still tpm 2.0 should never be required in the first place. But yeah windows is already a shitshow

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • I think you forgot to mention if the hard drive is encrypted than your statement is true ( in the case for example bitlocker...) but if thats not the case then anyone can just force permissions for that drive and read and write anything.

    Bitlokcer would be default active on new windows 11 devices if they all had tpm 2.0 chips ( most of the windows 10 users dont have that featzre ) so bitlocker is out of that case.

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • No they arent. They are obfuscated at best. The images are just saved without .jpg extension, and slapping one behind is enough

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Oh no who would have guessed that screenshoting and saving them unencrypted in an unprotected area in where confidential screenshots with passwords can be grabbed by any script kiddie.

  • Windows updating just before thesis defense
  • And you are the grammar end boss

  • Windows updating just before thesis defense
  • Its the final boss.

    You need to fight the windows update!

  • Obi-wan being catty, per usual.
  • What a nice series it was. RIP

  • Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • It was the solution for the crap Microsoft force pushes to your device.

    Simple, Extendable and secure linux.

  • Server files are here! Proton Drive

    Securely store, share, and access your important files and photos. Anytime, anywhere.

    Proton Drive

    if anyone wants to play with the lemmy world map :)

    ( Simply make a new world, copy the "world" "world_nether" and "world_the_end" from the LW mc zip file over to your newly created world )

    P.s. I removed the plugins because some where bought and we just didnt wanted to have any trouble with them.

    Whats up with everyone?
  • Thanks for the response! You can always make Player warps /pw create i think and with you can easily create teleports to it. Or with homes if you want it private (/sethome homename)

  • Whats up with everyone?

    I just wanted to ask what are you doing on the server currently? Is there something we could do?

    If there is a need for a reset? Changes with the plugins? Other version wanted? Old school mc?


    Is the community still here?

    I tried to connect but the server and website seems offline.

    Sad to see the old school server go.


    Closed - Moved to c/world

    Hello world,

    we chose to close down this community and redirect everyone interested in wordnews to because we want to reduce the load on moderators and have at least locally on the instance less duplicate communities.

    We did this action with the cooperation of the mods in c/world and c/worldnews.

    youtube Rooki

    Backpack Battles will be a huge success - Imperor

    Really cool video from @[email protected] i want to share.


    New Modded Server!

    Hi i will make it a short one!

    We created a new modpack server ( Steampunk ) it is available under

    The whitelist is active and you need to dm me here, discord or matrix your minecraft username to whitelist you on there.

    Note: The survival server is still up and they both have enough ressources!


    Server Survey!

    Hello world!

    as probably many seen in the recent weeks, there was a decline on active users on the server and we want to ask you what we can do or what are the next games you want to play with the lemmy community!

    The choices are:

    1. Minecraft with a new Modpack ( please recommend us a modpack you want to play with the lemmy community )
    2. A different game?
    3. Shut it down forever?!
    4. Your idea?!

    Note: If possible we will still let the current vanilla server running ( but with reduced dedicated resources).

    Thanks for everyone participated in the minecraft server! We never anticipated it was so active and so enthusiastic from everyone participating!

    But please take part in this Survey or we will probably have to shut the server down if no one wants or suggests anything!

    Thanks! The Lemmy world Minecraft Team!

    Edit: We have chosen for 1. A new Modpack Server ( more information here: ) NOTE: The Vanilla Server STAYS, so it doesnt go down.


    The whole spawn loaded at once!

    I did this with the nice mod named nvidium! No lag so far! Thank you all for building such nice things!


    First days impression.


    i swapped to Pop!_os 2 days ago ( from linux mint, because i wanted some change and found pop_os ) and i like it!

    I have just few points that i would like to share:

    • That the displays scaling cant be changed per monitor untilthe activation of "Fractial Scaling" ( just as a beginner "weird" behaviour )

    • You cant disable / make the "Active window" border smaller.

    • You cant hide the top bar ( but thats acceptable as it hides itself if you are in full screen )

    • Customizability/Lack of keybinds ( for example move active window to Screen 1,2,3 with Super + 1,2,3,4 )

    • (The pop_store lags? sometimes if i search? idk if its just a known bug or if its something on my side?) )

    But its still very good and it has some cool features and simple installation!

    Thanks for the System76 devs for making such great OS!


    What are your must have programms on (debian/ubuntu based) linux?


    I am pretty new to linux ( almost 2 months PURE linux mint ) and i still find cool software ( like lazydocker, lazygit, zsh... ) but i feel like there are 100k more interesting software to have ;D

    If anyone could recommend me some cool / interesting software, that would be cool.



    The roads near spawn are getting upgraded :D


    All the roads near spawn are getting improved by aurifex5128

    Thanks to aurifex5128!


    Halloween Event is LIVE!

    Hello everybody!

    As announced in the last weekly update we are proud to open the doors to the event area of this years halloween building contest!

    In spawn you will see a portal (to hell) where you get teleported to the event area. There you can see more informations and the area where you can build.

    Everybody gets some starting coins. ( 400 credits ) So that you dont go empty out of it if you have claimed something during the event. To claim those ask a mod or admin.

    See you there!


    Weekly Update #3

    geteilt von:

    > Here we go again! Reporting to you the news of the Minecraft server! We gained some new members, new buildings and some great experience! > > This update will be special! As we announce the first ever build event of the server the theme is Spooky Halloween ( What a big surprise ;) ). The event will start on Monday the 23.10.2023 and a portal will raise near spawn and send you to the building start area! > > The prizes are going to be some item prizes, like good enchanted diamond armor, diamonds, netherite and other rewards will be announced at the end! You even get an entry prize for joining the event! > > The rules and information for the event is nearby the event location. > > Stats; > ! > > ::: spoiler Here are some pictures of the week; > ! > > ! > > ! > > ! > > ! > > ! > > !:::
