Good on you, keep at it as long as you are able, those who are in danger and stuck in the most dangerous places need to see someone sticking up for them the most. ✊
Living in Florida with two youngins, I can't risk it. Some unpermitted asshat will blow me away without so much as a word. My wife has a banned books shirt and an Alt NPS shirt, and I worry. I have some science shirts and a Reading Rainbow (unofficial) books shirt, and I'm just waiting for a confrontation. It's as far as I can risk.
First of all - yes, violence is the Nazi language, and probably the simplest way to get through to them. Pain and hurt is what they signed up for, and I wouldn't mind giving it to them.
Also consider NKVD and how in Stalin's USSR the enormous (real) trust Soviet state and revolutionary ideology had were spent on violence that weakened and poisoned the skeleton of that project before WWII fractured it. And then basically till USSR's end it was mimicking its own alternative self that didn't transpire because of repressions and war.
If you have a mechanism that doesn't work right, repeatedly hitting it with a heavy object is the least likely approach to succeed.
Approval of violence is that.
Also see Lao-Tzu, "one who excels in fighting is never roused in anger".
Tolerance requires a mutual respect for each others’ coexistence. It’s kind of right on the label. You don’t have a meeting of the minds with someone whose premise begins and ends with denying that.
I bought the "Doom x John Brown" shirt from their site last year and, as a lifelong Doom fan and anti-confederate, really savor wearing it when I go out.
Fascism by Eco includes lack of principle, that is, it's an ideology without form, except for traits that result from lack of form, like violence and hierarchy, but also approval of competitiveness (in the form of backstabbing among others), collectivism and self-sacrifice.
What I mean is - maybe the picture will feel too fascist for your taste, if you meditate on it for some time without reading comments. It suggests a fascist (without any "maybe") approach.
I like it, but please don't wear this in public. You're gonna scare some kids and make some parents angry and that'll just feed the nazis. But it's great for Saturday night's or as a work outfit.
The klansman mask is on purpose because it hides the face. If you went out in public with an explicit image of a guy with a Nazi buzzcut getting his brains blown out, it would probably trigger some local law about public graphic images. This probably skirts the line, but is a 'cartoon caricature' so is still ok to wear out.
Nazis would kill them too although there was some kind of KKK that joined the nazi party.
Given enough time nazis would exterminate christians too and the KKK is supposed to be some protestant anti-catholic group (but I guess that something all neo-nazis have in common, they think they would be allowed in the nazi party but they wouldn't)
Edit. Apparently nazis didn't know what to do exactly with black people they considered them inferior but weren't prosecuted like the did with other minorities.
I was thinking something from TST (The Satanic Temple)would get under their skin more. Most I believe are "religious" and a little Satan could probably go further, plus Thanksgiving would be a hoot.
They would do the same to you if they had the ability, unless you're one of them. Good people just ask that you also be good, and do your best. Good people don't expect you to be something you're incapable of being, like a different skin color, or gender, or the same as them. Those that expect those things aren't good, and are hardly people. I will hug you as a sibling regardless of age, gender, orientation, but expect one of my siblings to be something they aren't and we have a fucking problem.
To be clear. Fuck Nazi's. If you believe whites are default better, you deserve to be left behind by the world you fucking caveman. I remember the Nazi's that wanted to harm my family. I have a looooong memory.
What are you talking about "stooping to their level"? We literally shot Nazis on-sight because they were such a threat.
Just because violence isn't graceful, doesn't mean it's not necessary to end a threat to humanity. Sometimes it's the moral thing to do. Some people are simply too dangerous to allow their existence.
Why is it always white people screaming Nazi, obsessed with Nazis? Is it white people confessing their guilty conscience? How did Englsih-only speaking white people get to be so stuck on race? Is it because North American white people have no cultural traditions, ethnic foods, and communal celebrations, so they focus on race for identity?
Why is it always conservatives screaming when we talk about killing nazis?
Why do you feel targeted? Is it because you are a nazi or atleast sympathize heavily with them so you focus on defending them?
The election is over, grandpa. We got new things to worry about.
Also, what is up with your comment history? For every 6 comments in the negatives you got one controversial one at best. Not a single unquestionably positive comment with you.