Look at the president, mid 90's, barely able to make bowels with mouth noises, but he's expertly dismantling the country. Not slowly like the Dumas Republican party. He's been doing this in days! While we go to work our asses off every day, this old fuck goes to work in destroying our economy and our children's futures!
Step 3... Be given shit for being male and white by people much better off than you.
Step 4... Get no reprieve from racism and sexism because someone before your existence looked like you and was these things so it's okay to happen to you as revenge.
Step 5... Do the one thing white males way better at than anyone else; suicide.
And hope for re-roll
Edit: You've just proved the point. I just shouldn't exist anymore and it's clear that'd be preferred. Thanks for the clarity.
I'm not going to try and justify the people who think it's ok to be bigoted towards white males. It's not ok. I'm also not going to pull the "those people don't exist" bullshit, because it's bullshit.
But no one of that particular flavor of asshat is here in this post or comment thread. So get out of your own head and get over yourself. For your own sake.
Complaining about misandrists and/or people racist against white people is not acceptable behavior publicly. At best it makes you look socially incompetent, and at worst it makes you look like someone who wouldn't mind being lumped in with nazis.
On top of that, the amount of people publicly anti-"every white male ever" is pretty damn low lately. Low enough that you can generally get through life as if they don't exist.
It's been over a decade since I've seen any news orgs worth mentioning run anything along the lines of "Young white men need to be taught not to rape".
If you can't escape it, change the spaces you're spending time online, and the people you are spending time around in real life. I haven't heard that sort of shit to any significant amount for a very long time.
I'd consider it worse than Edison. Edison's real contribution to technology was the creation of a company R&D lab geared towards new products. He would invest in the development of the product before it became big.
I was really disappointed by the film about him with Michael Keaton. Even though they couldn't completely hide who he really was, it was a hagiography.
I think it's pretty shitty how few human corpses Ray Kroc skinned on his own. Ed Gein did all the corpse-skinning himself. Rich man Kroc got the butler to skin human corpses when he wanted human skin.
Edit: Look, Kroc fans, I know you're mad, but the fact is that Ed Gein was a working man who did a working man's job flaying a corpse. Ray Kroc would never get his own hands dirty digging up a grave and you know it.
And while we're at it, did you ever see Sam Walton's "woman suit" sewn together out of the corpses of exhumed women? It's shit. Just shit. Gein knew how to make himself a "woman suit."