If I strapped a weight to a tortoise, could I train it go relatively fast?
So let's say I had aqcuired a young tortoise, and wanted it to eventually be fast. Could I strap a weight on a rope to its shell and gradually increase the weight a few grams every week or month until I have the fastest tortoise in the world?
Tortoises are fast. Though most of the time they just have no reason to and conserve energy because they are cold blooded.
Also, those fuckers can climb! You got no idea how many times we had to pick up one of my mothers tortoises from neighbours because they found another way to sneak out of the enclosure we build outside.
Tortoises go faster the hotter they are; comes from having a cold blooded metabolism. So to make it faster, acclimate it to hotter environments as well as putting it on a muscle building regime.
It would be stronger but I doubt that would correlate much with speed or endurance. I can squat almost double my bodyweight but my cooper test score is around 2500. A runner with way less leg strenght could easily outperform me.