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adespoton Em Adespoton
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They lied to you about car surveillance
  • Why exactly does vehicleprivacyreport want my VIN instead of year make and model? That’s me giving an unvetted third party website the unique tracking token for my car….

  • They lied to you about car surveillance
  • And only some e-bikes have a built-in cell phone.

  • Netflix mulls introducing free ad-supported tier. The circle is complete
  • I remember when I had to set my VCR to record a program I wanted to watch; if YouTube gets that bad, I’ll just do the same thing; pre-record the video stream and skip the commercials.

  • Netflix mulls introducing free ad-supported tier. The circle is complete
  • The difference is that my ad blocker is quick and painless to set up, where TiVo involved some capital and planning.

  • Canadian military planning for evacuation of 20,000 from Lebanon, says top commander
  • With the limited size of our domestic population, it always blows me away that there are enough Canadians living in countries like Lebanon to populate a small city.

  • Canadian university sues its own students over encampment for Palestine
  • Has UW never met Barbara Streisand before?

  • US Crime Rate Drops to ‘Historic’ Lows With Murders, Rapes, and Robbery Plunging, New Statistics Show
  • Well, I’d say that trust in the police and the 911 system is also at an all-time low, which could result in fewer crimes being reported to them.

    Not that I think it’s actually a significant enough amount to account for the notable reported decrease, but you asked….

  • Recommendation Algorithms & Advertising - Where do you draw the line?
  • If recommendations are being provided to me as a service and the algorithm that goes into it is relatively transparent, I have no issues.

    If advertising is based on the value an advertiser sees in the product being advertised, I have no problem.

    If I’m the product being sold or an ad distribution network is involved, I’ve got a problem.

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • That’s how epistemological analysis works… if the general structure is the same but everyone pulls different meaning out of an event, something probably happened. If everything lines up exactly, someone probably faked the letters. If there’s totally conflicting stories, the record has been tampered with too much to say anything. If there’s no record, there’s nothing to say one way or another.

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • You realize that a significant portion of the bible is the collected letters and works that were at the time (that it was assembled) considered credible, right?

    There’s a period of around 80 years that’s pretty hard to account for, but unlike the four gospels where there’s little corroborating evidence that tracks back into that 80 year period, the epistolary works are pretty likely to be authentic. They also reference a bunch of other letters that didn’t survive, something that tends to make them more likely authentic than not. And they involve people who were eyewitnesses of a man named Jesus (or Joshua or Yeshua if you prefer) and his younger (step) brothers.

    The rest of the statements about him were solidified by 80 years or so after his death, but all the accounts don’t quite line up — which is actually a good argument for them being based on actual events.

    So while there may be plenty of room for debate as to how much of the biblical teachings actually originated with a man named Jesus, his actual existence seems more evident than, say, Shakespeare.

  • Official bilingualism in Canada a 'myth,' says new poll
  • To be fair, I think Mythbusters went off the air because Discovery would no longer pay their explosives bill. The focus on sciency mumbo jumbo was secondary.

  • Official bilingualism in Canada a 'myth,' says new poll
  • The title and the poll don’t match?

    The poll was on whether Canadians think Canada should be officially bilingual. Outside Quebec, the majority of people polled don’t— which is part of the reason why official bilingualism is important.

    Is official bilingualism a myth? They’d have to poll for whether those in jobs that have a bilingual requirement are actually bilingual to answer that question.

    Personally, I also question the validity of the poll, as the population sample could be really easily skewed depending on how the poll was performed.

  • Rustad's message gaining traction with B.C. business leaders
  • Sorry, but I prefer those radical government policies that were considered mainstream 40 years ago.

  • Large fire engulfs inactive rail bridge next to the Oak Street Bridge
  • And the trestle bridge was coated in creosote, so good luck totally putting it out until it cools down.

  • Large fire engulfs inactive rail bridge next to the Oak Street Bridge Vancouver fire engulfs inactive rail bridge next to Oak Street Bridge

    An inactive rail bridge connecting Richmond and Vancouver caught fire Thursday and forced the temporary closure of the Oak Street Bridge.

    Vancouver fire engulfs inactive rail bridge next to Oak Street Bridge
    Disable windows updates
  • Put it behind a PiHole that drops all traffic to Microsoft servers?

  • A new play structure, now Canada's tallest, has been opened at Millennium Park in Castlegar
  • That took some figuring on my part of where they put it — it’s right on top of the old playground, beside the commemorative plaque, between the end of the parking lot and the ponds.

    This isn’t the park’s first foray into rubber; they already put in an outdoor fitness facility slightly downriver when the park was newer, using the same surface material.

    It looks like to be named the “tallest play structure” they cheated and put a cone on top — I was trying to figure out how it was taller than tha Terra Nova Rural Farm Playground in Richmond — the height seems the same (same slide) but the Richmond structure doesn’t have the cone on top.

  • fuck lawns (fuck lawns) fuck them very very much
  • Two things: I’ve edged my grass with pavers fir the most part, and for the small bits that don’t have that, long handled edging shears you can use while standing.

    The other bit is that I don’t have a rolling lawn that needs a riding mower; my grass is interspersed with local plants/shrubs/trees. Only takes 10 minutes to fully trim the grass bit during the season where it’s growing.

  • [email protected]: Has anyone else never had an single issue with YouTube on Firefox with adblockers?
  • I had an issue right when Google started their forced ads thing. It made me suspect uBlock wasn’t updating correctly; manual reinstall and no more issues since.