I've never been worried about AI. AI isn't a problem because it doesn't exist. (Hint: you can't make an artificial version of something you can't even define in ways that are broadly accepted.)
What I've always been worried about is the people pushing "AI". They're the source of all the trouble.
The stereotype runs even deeper than that: she looks and talks dumb like a jocular blonde.
Perhaps it's on purpose, to make everybody forget the simulacrum just isn't very good.
Imho it felt more like:
"Designed specifically for companionship... and intimacy". The unlisted job requirement. Someone definitely tried to fuck it during r&d
The worrying part is that it's bad though. Capitalists will destroy the working class' ability to work and get information with a broken tool. That is scary AF, homeskillet.
I'm much more worried about that with what OpenAI is doing with voices, which this thing isn't even close to. And I can't see anyone finding an intimate, emotional connection with that robot like the creators seem to think they will.
Get a Kagi sub. 5 bux a month (10 for unlimited searches) and you get a company that wants to help you find stuff instead of trying to sell you whatever their advertisers paid them to stuff in your face, and LLM slop that they push because they’re afraid they’ll get left behind by the latest trend.
It’s refreshing, a search company that works for me. I’m the customer, so they put development hours towards making the experience better for us - not their advertisers.
I don't know, the company was smart enough to realize that putting zombie legs on the robot was a bad idea, so they might not have added the vagina option yet.