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Deafening concerts have turned Madrid stadium into ‘torture-drome’, say residents
  • You’re pointing at two separate la Liga team’s home stadiums though. And as the article said, the Santiago bernabeu has been there 80 years. Two derby rivals sharing a stadium is beyond unthinkable, especially with two of the three biggest teams in Spain. They also need a place to train every single day. And the games often happen at the same time, across town.

    This is a new problem since the refurbishment. The problem isn’t the location. The problem is the concerts. These locals haven’t been complaining about the football fans because they’re all almost certainly part of that group. But not everyone wants to see concerts or listen to them through their apartment walls.

  • Deafening concerts have turned Madrid stadium into ‘torture-drome’, say residents
  • Did anyone see Civil War in theaters? Literally the loudest movie I’ve ever seen. It was on the verge of painful. I get it, immersive war, whatever. But Jesus. Some of us would like to keep our hearing into our 40s/50s, thanks.

  • Americans Are Sharing The "Normal, Everyday" Aspects About The US That Are Actually Dystopian, And I Can't Believe We Tolerate Some Of These
  • Yeah, that was a super weird inclusion.

    Now, propublica did a great multipart series on people actually selling and buying children on Craigslist and Facebook. Foster parents take kids in for the money, then shuffle them off to basically predators. Not basically, they were almost all predators. Just by getting in touch with them via email after finding each other on Craigslist or Facebook groups. These kids were just driven sometimes hundreds of miles and dropped off with someone entirely unknown in a Walmart parking lot.

    It was horrifying, but I can’t find the article anymore. I could’ve sworn it was propublica, but now I’m second guessing that, unless they had to take it down, maybe by claims from meta.

  • Abandoned dog
  • Do people who perpetuate this stereotype have cats? Because it seems like they don’t. My cat is psyched and affectionate as hell when I come home. All of my cats have been the same way.

  • Blursed Bot
  • But the point of this trend is that you can tell via this modern-era Turing test whether the person systematically spreading a certain political position is an LLMbot. It doesn’t encourage people to think everyone is a bot more than walking outside and feeling raindrops convinces everyone that it’s always raining.

  • Elon Musk backs down from $45 million a month pledge to Trump, says he doesn’t ‘subscribe to cult of personality’
  • It’s not even true. He still has a superPAC for trump, and he didn’t actually deny the figure. He just said the original story wasn’t accurate that he’s donating it to trump. But to the superPAC. So the story hasn’t changed. This is all spin. And they just printed it.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • I don’t think he turned it off before he shot her, just that he didn’t have it on until after he shot her.

    This is still murder and he’s a fuckin pig that should rot in the prison industrial complex he feeds. Fuck him and his cop buddies. But I didn’t get the info from this article that he turned it off himself. Just didn’t turn it on in the first place, which he’s supposed to do before every interaction.

  • There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • But that =/= “every fascist is and always has been enabled by liberals.”

    They’re saying that it’s very common for liberals to side with a rising fascist over the left in a misguided attempt to maintain the status quo. They’d typically rather move to the right instead of giving any quarter to the left, because the left wants to upend the structures of oppression, while the right wants to bolster them—while scapegoating an out-group.

    Look at what macron is doing in France right now. Moving to the right to build a coalition with them to go against the majority left coalition that won the election.

  • New York City TheFriar

    Why the hell are there so many 7 trains?

    I don’t use the line often, but every time I do, there’s a train coming every 1-3 minutes. And even during rush hour, the trains are less than half full—literally less than a quarter full. Because there’s always another 1-3 minutes behind that. My more often used lines are coming every 12-15 min. Can’t they repo a few trains from the 7 to spread the love? Wtf mta


    I need help. I saw a trailer for a movie maybe three or four years ago and I can't remember what it's called

    Rough plot synopsis:

    A skinny white cop (I believe with a mustache, brown hair), is depressed. Maybe something happened with his daughter dying or a divorce, maybe both. It was kind of an auteur type film. He ends up going on some sort of reckless crusade against the department, maybe? I remember something about an alcoholic priest too, but that might’ve been another trailer I saw around that time. Or maybe he was an alcoholic himself. (Again, this is a fuzzy memory, sorry.) A scene I vaguely remember is he’s shirtless and maybe his cop car is burning? Does this sound at all familiar to anyone? I really want to find it, it’s been bugging me for literally years. Thanks!

    New York City TheFriar

    Anyone here use an ESCO that you recommend?

    I mean, fuck ConEd, amiright? More like CON ed. Gottem.

    So I started looking through the ESCO list, I’m hoping to get a little feedback from anyone else who’s already researched or who already uses one they like or dislike.

    I’d love to use some renewables, and/or save some money. I’m very annoyed that my service charges are almost always higher than my usage costs. I mean, what the fuck? Are they Ticketmaster? There’s no way they need to be taking that much. Absurd.

    So. Anyone?


    I heard I could see some dude talking to themself about synthesizers here. You got any more of that in stock?


    Proof UBO keeps YT data trawlers at bay

    Bodyweight Fitness TheFriar

    I’ve been getting in shape over the past year—one question about focusing on specific area

    I’ve always been thin. So now that I’m getting in shape, achieving abs and upper body strength was relatively straightforward.

    But my ribs have always shown. Especially the bottom of my rib cage. Maybe the last three or four ribs, and it just looks weird. Is there something people would recommend, either diet-wise or (preferably) workouts to target that specific area?

    Help would be appreciated!


    let’s see if anyone is even here: I’ve been looking for a legitimate dispensary. I have questions and everywhere I go these questions are met with, “umm…I dunno. it’ll get you high”

    I’ve been looking for a high CBD, mid-to-low THC strain or tincture. All these gray area operations are garbage. I’ve been to legal countries and states where you can…ask questions and get answers and have knowledgeable conversations with someone with recommendations. These janky-ass bags of high-concept packaging you see littering every sidewalk are bullshit. Open a jar, weigh me out what I ask for, and know some shit about it.

    Anyone got any ideas or a favorite dispensary? I feel like with the bodegas selling, everyone just wanted to hop in with a store front and two glass display cases, and buys everything from one shitty company probably ruining the industry already. (I guess I’m more heated about this than I thought.)

    Any reds are ‘preciated.


    9/11 fashion emergency
