Starship Troopers exists so any video game movie adaptation will be compared to it. Unless Paul Verhoven is directing, it is a big uphill battle to win any comparisons.
And it's Sony, so, good luck? They can't seem to understand what makes a movie interesting to want to watch. They can't cut a good trailer but their actual ability to produce and execute movie production is just bad. They can't make a comic book movie that isn't produced by others.
HZD actually has a fantastic story and a great setting. With some recent successful game movies, I can see this one actually being good. But does Sony have much of a track record here? Uncharted was bad.
He's a 50-50 actor. When he's good, like in Kickass and Bullettrain, he's real good. But when he's bad he's absolutely horrible, like Godzilla and every superhero movie he's been in.
Edit. I want to add that I didn't even realize it was him in Bullet Train until half way through. He's pretty entertaining in it.
The movie itself suffers from a "im sooo smart and clever" syndrome that some movies have. Johnson and whoever played the girl are the good parts of that movie.
I think both of these could be great movies, but could also be done extremely poorly (especially helldivers). I hope they get people who like and understand the IPs for these ones.
A Horizon movie could work, so long as it's not going to adapt one of the game's stories, and works instead as an expansion of the world rather than a retread.
Helldivers... I'm not seeing it. I'm not seeing it at all. It'll simply be off-brand Starship Troopers. Besides, what story is there to tell? The game's direction is partially, in some small part, driven by the way players react to alerts events. You're not going to capture that in a movie.