Advisory from US surgeon general says alcohol contributes to 100,000 cancer cases and 20,000 cancer deaths each year
Alcohol is the third leading preventable cause of cancer in the US, contributing to 100,000 cancer cases and 20,000 deaths annually, according to a new US surgeon general advisory.
Breast cancer accounts for 16.4% of annual alcohol-related cancers, with alcohol increasing the risk of at least seven types, including liver, colorectal, and throat cancers.
Most deaths occur among heavy drinkers, though 17% occur within recommended limits.
Alcohol promotes cancer through DNA damage, inflammation, and hormone changes. Despite clear links, only 45% of Americans recognize alcohol as a cancer risk.
Despite clear links, only 45% of Americans recognize alcohol as a cancer risk.
I admit, I was not aware it is such a big factor.
I do remember my biology teacher in the 70's saying that drinking heavily in the weekend or drinking moderately during the whole week, if it's similar amount of alcohol it's equally bad.
I wonder if that still goes regarding cancer?
Yeah, the studies generally point to a cumulative effect. Basically the aldehyde byproduct of alcohol breakdown is also poisonous. It can lead to cancer growths so arguably binge drinking is worse in that respect because it takes longer for everything to clear.
Interestingly, if there was a way to break that aldehyde down faster, then the cancer risk might go down significantly. It's just not super clear at this point.
So if I understand correctly, my biology teacher was wrong?
To be honest I always thought that, drinking a full bottle of alcohol quickly, will kill you, so IMO clearly a greater stress on the system. While spreading it out on the whole week, you may barely notice.
There is a way! It’s called Zbiotics and it’s a real product despite the vibes. I use it every time I drink and it really does make a difference. I think the too-good-to-be-true vibes of the whole thing really does this great scientific advancement a real disservice. This stuff could be saving lives if scaled up.
The US is quite a large land mass and thus has the ability to produce almost every kind of alcohol you can think of. Some areas are better for growing grains, and others are better for growing grapes, etc. As someone who enjoys mixology as a hobby, I'd say my shelf is about 70% US made liquors and the rest are imported. Most of the wine I've come across has been made in California. And ever since craft brewing had a moment, all the beer me and my friends drink are US made as well and those can get pretty hefty if you drink things like stouts. I usually just assume that every country has found a way to make at least one type of high proof product out of "necessity" at one point in time.
This hot take is wild considering moonshine, bourbon, or even Napa and Columbia valley wines and high test craft beers like hazy IPAs, which are everywhere in the states.
I'm not German, but my experience when I have visited is that foreign beer is a relatively minor market in Germany. They make so much beer of their own anyway, and a lot of it is pretty damn good, so why bother importing? Several nearby countries like Belgium and Czechia also have pretty strong traditions, so competition is stiff
Moonshine doesn’t really get exported at scale.
On wine, Germany is right next to France and Italy, Spain is nearby too, and there are some distinctive German styles too, so there's huge competition. Still, if their wine market is like the UK one, then American wines are certainly present and enjoyed by plenty of people, but they don't have a reputation for being notably strong
With all that, the American drinks most commonly seen in Europe are bourbon and light beers. It's not an accurate depiction of the American domestic market, but it is what makes it across the Atlantic.
Budweiser pisswater is not the extent of our alcohol-producing abilities. That's just so people can sit and watch NASCAR or football for hours while continuously drinking without getting too drunk. But like anyone else, sometimes we just like to get trashed, and we definitely got the shit that will take care of that quickly.
That's not true! You guys make plenty of good stuff. You make vast quantities of total crap as well, but your craft beer is cool, your wines seem popular even if I've never been taken by them myself, and bourbon has a great tradition
In Minnesota, where a lot of German immigrants moved before WW1, beer doesn't have an abv requirement. Beers from microbreweries can get to between 10% - 20%. Some of my favorites sit between 7% and 12%
Ah, that's right - bourbon! I (arrogant Scotch snob) always forget that. Ironic coincidence: WhiskyJason tried to get me interested in New Riff at a whisky fair. It worked: I'll get a bottle in the post tomorrow. It's pretty nice stuff.
Come visit! I wouldn't know where to tell you to start. I've lived here all my life, travel quite a bit, and there are major cities, states, and entire regions I have yet to see. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the craft breweries you can find all over. There's a lot to explore.
AFAIK Bourbon, Whiskey, Gin and Vodka are all very popular in USA. And it's dirt cheap to buy compared to most European countries.
So very few Americans have a serious alcohol problem, because it's so cheap. 😋
IDK if people disagree or don't like or get the joke?
It's a reference to the joke where someone is asked if he has an alcohol problem, and he responds: No I've got all the alcohol I need.