The Detroit pastor who hosted Donald Trump's much ridiculed church roundtable — which was promoted as a reach-out to Black voters but later shown to have a large white turnout — said people laughed in his face when he suggested they attend.
Pastor Lorenzo Sewell appeared on MSNBC Sunday night to d...
I agree they should be taxed. That being said, I don't know this man's goals, but inviting Trump to an open mic at a black church makes his son of a KKK member views just SO much more damaging. I really wish he got more offers like this.
I'm usually all with you on that complaint, but this case is different. They didn't promote Trump. They hosted a roundtable with him. Presumably, they would do the same with Biden were his campaign to request it.
Trump was trying to reach predominantly Democratic or non-voting black voters in Detroit by going to a predominantly black church, and he failed, pulling in a white crowd instead.
"They asked me to promote them, but I didn't offer. So I'm not actually promoting them."
Your entire argument is completely irrelevant. And promoting both candidates (like hell that would actually happen, but sure, buddy, we'll give you the benefit of the non-existent doubt), that's literally claiming two wrongs make a right. Which, they don't. At all.
And nice job copy/pasting the wrong name; totally didn't make any of us think you're working a script here. Not at all. (Whatever they're paying you, they're getting ripped off)
Was I not aware? I thought the big liberal cities on the coasts were the centers of activism, and the middle and the Southeast mostly got preyed upon by the American Thatcherites, and either said “More please” or “Aaaaah it hurts” with none of this “Fuck you stop that” energy that’s coming into play now. But maybe I was unaware of an activist history there?
I saw a clip of a pastor on YouTube who reviews Bibles (weird but whatever) and he got a copy of the Trump Bible. The so-called "real leather" was not just obviously fake, it had a crease in it. The whole thing felt cheap and he pointed out that it didn't say where it was printed and if it was printed in the U.S., they would have made a big deal about that, which probably meant some Asian country.
Not a shock that the his Bible is a scam as well, I know.
"For him to have a community conversation, I thought it was an opportunity to be able to really give the least of these, the disenfranchised and marginalized, an opportunity to have a voice at the table because typically we're on the menu," Sewell said. "If you come to Grand River, if you walk through our community, you will see, quite frankly, that it's desolate. ... (Trump campaign officials) didn't want to talk to people that had high prestige and high power positions. They wanted to talk to the least of these."
If that's what this guy really believed, he's a naïve fool. Trump doesn't give a shit what poor people have to say and he only gives a shit about black people if they're rich and they only say nice things about him.
The Trump campaign officials wanting to talk to "the least of these" is utter hogwash unless by "the least," they mean morally.