Getting a custom printed T isn't that difficult tbh, you can open your fav image editing software, slap down the text tool, export to .PNG and you got yourself a usable file to send to a company that does screenprints
Alex Schaefer does write the actual names of the bank in the art, which is fair artistic use and as far as I know he's never been sued for it. Obviously you can't just put the banks names and logos on the back of a shirt and sell it but also, that would be counter to the point of the shirt which is to obviously satirize the names.
Depict they have closed the doors for lunch, at 11:23a. Customers forced to use the ATMs outside. And, oh, the agony - as it unnecessarily captures their ATM cards. And turn away in a walk-of-shame.
I just bought a used car from a dealership 10 days ago when my car broke down suddenly on a Saturday. I signed up for dealership financing for 9.8% APR with the intention to refinance with a cheaper rate after a month or so. The loan paperwork came in two days ago: Managed by Bank of America. Got refinanced with a credit union the next day, 5.99%. Absolutely fuck BoA.