I like seeing the full cycle of Google Chrome starting out as the hero the world needed, to becoming the bloated pile of stalkerware trash like it had originally replaced.
Was it ever needed? What has chrome provided that wasn't already available from other 3rd party and/or open source browsers?
The whole "faster than firefox" thing was greatly exaggerated, didn't last long, and was at least partially artificial as google has been found to intentionally gimp their sites on non-chrome browsers.
Yeah it honestly surprises me they haven't been doing this already. I mean at least on a smaller scale this has been Google's business model for a while now.
I had to read the whole article to get to this info: Depending on what Chrome version you're using, and whether you've been selected to start using Topics API, you can switch this functionality off and on by visiting chrome://settings/adPrivacy and/or chrome://settings/privacySandbox – cut'n'paste these URLs into your address bar to jump straight to the controls.
Easier said than done sometimes. Google is already doing what Microsoft used to do. They’re locking G suite features to Chrome, and if your company uses G suite, you made find yourselves in Chrome just so a damn thing works.
And also .... When you give users the choice to turn something on or off but don't tell them that the thing is on and also make it inconvenient for them to turn it off ....