It's weird that a room with just a toilet and sink is called a "half bath", when it in fact has zero bathtubs.
It's weird that a room with just a toilet and sink is called a "half bath", when it in fact has zero bathtubs.
It is half a bathroom
No you don't get to ask why a bathroom is called a bathroom. It is like questioning the origin of a hot dog.
3 0 ReplyYou'd be amazed how much bathing some people manage to do with just a sink.
10 0 ReplyYou've been to McDonald's I take it
2 0 Reply
And in the UK a “cloakroom” is very rarely a place specifically to hang your cloak…
7 0 ReplyOn the other hand, if you say you are going to the bathroom, nobody expects you to take a shit in the bathtub
58 0 ReplyWhich is what makes it all that much more satisfying when the next person goes in
26 0 Reply
You can bathe half your body in the sink and the other half in the toilet.
30 0 ReplyAnd now I'm going to touch grass
2 0 ReplyDon't forget to bathe after!
1 0 Reply
Cursed comment, but I’ll add on to it: If you plug the door slit with a towel the whole room becomes your tub.
6 0 Reply
Never heard "half bath", and I always called those washrooms.
34 1 ReplyIt is common in the US, frequently they will be listed as 2 & 1/2 baths if they have two with tubs and one without.
Haven't paid enough attention to know how they list multiple 1/2 baths but pretty sure they don't add up like regular fractions...
I always found the term 1/2 bath weird.
29 0 Replythat's some realtor math. they are known to magically inflate surface before you buy it, and shrink it back once you bought / rented it. Mathematicians can't explain that !
3 0 ReplyAnd a room with a toilet, sink, and shower stall is a 3/4 bath.
13 0 ReplyImagine getting a half bath but only the back half so you don't even get a faucet
5 0 ReplyHaven't paid enough attention to know how they list multiple 1/2 baths but pretty sure they don't add up like regular fractions...
They'd either list them separately or as a whole and then clarify. E.g. "two full- and two half-baths"or something like "four bathrooms - two full"
5 0 Reply
Whatever we call them, it's always some euphemism hiding the fact tha it's the pooping room.
13 0 ReplyWe call it the poop stick room.
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Commonly called called a 'powder room' in australia.
6 0 ReplyMaybe it's a class difference thing but I've more commonly heard it referred to as "the shitter," "dunny," or "toilet."
1 0 ReplyPowder room is where you store amino.
1 0 ReplyI’m in the US and powered room is used in places I’ve lived. But on real estate listings it is common to call it 1/2 bath.
2 1 Replyor "water closet" in the UK
4 0 Reply
It's a way to conveniently talk about the number of bathrooms. You can say a house is "three bedroom, two and a half bath" and you convey that there are two bathrooms and one "washroom".
5 0 ReplyWhat gets confusing are these large homes, or McMansions that list 5 bedrooms and 7 and a half baths. So are they listing 3 powder rooms at 1.5 baths? I can’t afford them, so I only see it online; but that part gets weird. I have seen descriptions that then list full and partial though.
1 0 ReplyOr 5 powder rooms and zero bathtubs
5 1 Reply
The real weirdness originates from any room with a toilet being called a bathroom despite many not having bathtubs.
12 0 ReplyTechnically if it doesn't have a bathtub or shower it is called a powder room. But that phrase is rarely used. (Mostly because 90% of the time when we say bathroom we mean toilet.)
7 1 Reply
Bath doesn't refer to the tub, it refers to bathing. You can 'sink bathe' with a rag and running sink water.
So a half-bath, contains 1/2 of the common furnishings for bathing.
16 1 ReplyYeah, a "full" bathroom with just a shower also has zero bathtubs.
1 0 Reply
At that point you're halfway to having a standard bathroom, so it makes sense to me.
9 0 ReplyWe'd just call that room "the toilet"
8 0 ReplyGood news! Most of the world would find that extremely weird (as with calling a room with no baths a bathroom). I think it's due to the euphemism treadmill.
5 0 ReplyAnd if you had half a bathtub, you could as well have no bathtub at all
5 0 ReplyIf it's fixed to a waterproof wall, it would work. Weird, but work.
6 0 Reply
in german that room is just called "das klo" (the toilet)
6 0 Reply*Klo
1 0 Replythx, fixed the typo, dam phone keyboards being so small
1 0 Reply
If you chop a bathtub in half and place the parts in different rooms, you can have two half baths. If you bring four such parts in the same room, you’ll get a double bath. Probably still not very good for actually bathing, because a half tubs don’t hold much water.
6 0 ReplyWe call it a trap, khazi, bog, privy, WC, toilet…don’t think I’ve heard “half bath”.
5 1 ReplyYou're right. It should be called a 2/3 bath instead.
4 0 ReplyBy code a bathroom is a sink and any combination of a bidet, shower, tub, or toilet.
5 2 Replysailing by in my half-boat "YEAH that is just like.. your OPINION MAN!!"
oh fuck wat.... ....🐟 ....🪸 🦴 🚢 🌊 🤽
3 0 ReplyYou would have been fine if it was a Boston Whaler.
3 0 Reply
Showerthought: You could technically have a three-bath house with zero showers or bathtubs, just six little sinks all over.
4 2 Reply