Thought I saw something very sad the other morning, did I read that the idiots are planning on making a.. "reboot" of the original... Sad days... Just leave it alone...
Is this going to be a remake of the Paul Verhoeven movie or a movie faithful to the book? I got the impression it was going to be the latter and it scares me. At this point in the US, such a movie would awfully seem like the kind of militaristic propaganda Trump would love for his expansionist Putinesque fantasies.
Helldivers II is very popular right now, and that game is basically a comedic over-the-top parody of Starship Troopers (the movie, not the book). If the studio has any sense about them, they'll remake the film in the vein of Helldivers and not actual imperialist military propaganda like the book.
what in the hell are you smoking? a movie like that would not get made in hollywood in the current 2025 climate. It will be turned into an 2SLGBTQIAZ+7 epic love song where a trans man saves all of humanity to the tune of Wham!'s 1983 classic albulm ' Fantastic'
It’s amazing how many scenes aren’t really even changed from the book - the ideal of the military being required for citizenship is coming from Heinlein, basically everything in the film is in the book. The book just portrays it all as a good thing.
I somehow got let in to watch it despite being a lot younger than 18 at the time. The film was (is) amazing. Being a teenager the nude scenes were epic. At the time the only nudity available was staying up late on the weekend to watch Euro Trash. Then the internet happened.
We'd often go into the video store to look at the back of the VHS tapes. Many of the MA and R rated movies from the 80's and early 90's had titties on the back, especially horror movies.
I just remembered finding porn in the bush, then burying them in a plastic bag in the dirt like a pack of dogs. I also remember some American comedian on TV saying they did the same thing with playboys, and it made me wonder how many young boys buried porn in the woods?
Starship Troopers 2 is the first and only movie I've ever walked out on, and only because I kept falling asleep watching it. To this day, I still haven't watched the whole thing. Such an awful movie.
I read a synopsis of the entire plot at some point and I remember the ending being super unsatisfying, which further discourages me from ever watching it.
I watched the Tom cruise samurai movie absolutely ripped to the nips one time. Had a whole bunch of people other and put it on again because i thought it was great.