This must be regional. I've never heard the song, nor the title. Only the very end sounded familiar, and that was from Looney tunes.
That said, not many people around here had cell phones in the 90s, and even fewer used them with enough regularity to notice their ringtone beyond the fact that it was ringing.
Just to get rid of the PTSD from being tortured by it for a week straight. Loved it the first time I heard it. But hearing it literally non-stop for a week on a boat and unable to escape it has ruined it forever.
This would require too much time contemplating to make sure I selected the correct terrible song. Prolly that Proud to be an American shit that gets stuck in my head really easily. Someone did it to me this morning.
Like a virgin by Madonna. When I was young and we only had radio and tapes in cars, I had five preset stations and I'm not making this up, that song was on all five stations at the same time once.
I'm a hater of mumble rap so I figured thatd be the way to prevent it becoming a thing. Edit: some of my fave songs will prob be caught in the crossfire since rap could have inspired some sections in them but its a chance im willing to take. The 2nd option would be the first dubstep song, and the same risk for the same reason applies.