I'm stuffed being out late arvo/evening, saw a movie with some of my favourite people! I have much to ponder, the movie was extremely awesome and thought-provoking!
I have a big day with the fam tomorrow in the SE. Gonna give dad those photos for him to scan with his scanner. He was stoked! He just forgot to reply and I so overreacted š so it will be good to try and date the photos with him, based on my age, and location!
@Grubbi@briongloid welcome! I am reading you from Mastodon, but I also have a Lemmy account, I just like to say hi from Mastodon occasionally to remind people it's possible š
Got the storage wall of the garage twintrack up yesterday, today was moving the bench we salvaged from the laundry, putting the doors back on and stocking tools.
Was. I very rapidly realised i was hot, pissed off and very very overloaded. So i went full ASD and grabbed my giant crate of screw packets and tubs and sorted sorted sorted while blasting DS9 in the lounge. Did i wash my hands way more than i "should"? Yes, but fuck should, today was about pandering to me.
And now it is brie and fat cats and ds9 s4. So there
I keep refreshing the BOM app thinking 29.3C at 11pm must be an error :| fuck me. So grateful for air-conditioning.
Really glad I took a break from fieldwork today, just chilling at home all day - although I'll have to go out during midday again tomorrow - and then a full day of work fieldwork on Tues and Wed š„µ
It was pumping yesterday too. I think everyone's soaking up the last of the late night summer vibes. And maybe some people don't have aircon in which case I totally understand.
Took him to the dog park at 9am so not hot it's now 3pm and he's been in this state since we got back trying to find new patches of cold floor. Threw 3 balls chased them well enough, then he wandered off chasing another dog so had to go get him, twice (he doesn't care if you call him back, just in his own world). All up about a 3km walk. Intensity of the walk out of 10 would be a 1.
I got a new dog recently (not a puppy). He is even more stupid than my previous dog, and that says a lot. I didnt know it was possible for a dog to be entirely uncoordinated. Hopeless doesnt begin to describe him.
I am really struggling. I have a sink full of half washed dishes and am unable to complete (or really start) anything of any kind of hobby.
The idiots online are outweighing the couple of chill friends I have and one of them has actually got fed up and dipped, deleting a lot of their posts. IRL Iām surrounded by unstable dipshits. I no longer have the energy to draw.
Medication doesnāt help me (resistant) so all I can really do is keep pointlessly slogging on.
Thanks. Iām just plowing through them quickly so I can have clean dishes (cutlery went in the machine because no way) and will be buying more disposables.
The problem is logging off from the stupids leaves me with emptiness and the extra special stupids irl.
Iām feeding and medicating Melbcat and will probably have to just Restavit the crap out of myself tonight to get some sleep.
Getting back to yourself after depression or being knocked for a loop takes time. Remember: you can just stop anything you start, whenever and pick up whenever. Yes, even halfway through.
I donāt think there will be a ābackā. Iāve tried everything for decades and nothing has worked. Just some days I can white knuckle it more convincingly than others. Thatās all.
Finally found a gap in the packing/unpacking/cleaning schedule to redye my hair. Feel a zillion times better for not being a faded out drab! The grey eyebrow bits still have much to answer for.
that one time i decided to dye my eyebrows at the same time, just a gentle smear of dye , right?
half an hour later I looked like groucho marx
after I finished my hair I got to work on forehead and eyebrows, I got it all off but it was so red from all the rubbing ( stop laughing ), was so embarrassed to go out
Cherry tart update: The tart was transported in the tin, and was also successfully removed and held up well to being sliced. It was very yummy, my sister and I split the leftovers. I just had another piece as a pre-brdtime snack.
Anyone seen the Me We campaign going around? I'm very glad to see campaigns like this, and the consent one going around. Yeah we can't control other people's behaviour, but if some of society get exposed to campaigns like this, hopefully one day it will diffuse to people who are harder to reach.
I think there should be a more aggressive campaign to do with sun safety. Plenty of people around me are still glamorising tanning, and I still have gotten a couple of sunburns from being outside and forgetting to apply sunscreen.
My cherry tart is complete, now I just have to work out how to get it safely to my sister's place. I'm also not sure if it is going to be safe to take it out of the tin - the filling rose a bit high and has stuck to the sides a bit, trying to remove it could lead to a total collapse. At least the jar of vanilla custard should be stress free.
A couple of rides, watched the Birdman Rally, watched some wakeboarding, ate some ice creamā¦Iāve had a lovely time, but am ready to not move for the rest of the day
What about the most important part? The Labour Day march by our unions with their historic banners?
This is the true meaning of Moomba. A distraction from Labour Day and union ideals and participation . Moomba was set up by Melbourne business associations
Wow. Passed out so well on that nap I legit thought I had slept through till morning. Super strange dreams. Trying the get harrison ford to his plane but he was having a heart attack and simultaneously missing my own plane and being yelled at and also trying to figure out work stuff. Ugh. I am glad my brain got whatever that was out of its system but I am not a fan of being kidnapped into a 3 hour sleep while it worked.
Iāve ever only done it via a laptop with a direct hdmi connection.
With my pc I had to use steam link which went through the network. Sort of worked but crashed eventually after playing around with it for a couple of hours.
Had a beach day yesterday after barely going all summer. Sand, sun and ocean waves fix all problems. Also perfect temp yesterday and barely any breeze. And caught this amazing sunset. Followed by best sleep Iāve had in weeks.
I'm making a cherry tart to take to my sister's place for dinner tonight. It uses 1kg of cherries, but I still have tons left in the freezer. How one little tree so badly attacked by cherry slugs that every year I expect it to die can produce such abundance I do not know.
The stupidly heavy antique drill press has been sold and is on it's way to a new home. š
Decluttering is getting more and more complete every day - the prospect of moving house definitly help, it's amazing how many "maybe" items turn into a hard no when faced with the prospect of packing and moving them.
When I'm decluttering and I come to a few maybe/maybe not decisions I know that's when to stop altogether. When I come back to it, that decision is so much more clearer.
At last! A diet/nutrition article that talks about the 'burden of decision making' in the context of diet. One of my pet peeves is that this aspect isn't given enough weight.
It's one of the things I like about meal prep. If I make a dozen chicken curries, a dozen chilli and a doz apricot chicken, that's a months worth of meals if I eat at least one every day. Pita salad protein wrap for another meal. Suddenly my food decisions are way down. Fruit and nuts for clean nibbles. Ice creams on a stick, two biscuits or PBnJ for dirty nibbles. Water or protein shake for drinks. That's most of the thinking taken out of it. Every few weeks I crave something I haven't made myself which is usually banh mi, hsp or pizza as that's what's good around here.
I know diets are really hard. I know will power is a big issue and that I'm not weak, I'm normal. If dieting was easy there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic.
This is why I love the shake meal replacement. I have no prohibitions to make opportunities for failure and to feel bad. All I have to do is eat way less of what I normally do and have a meal shake instead. I am doing something instead of not doing something.
And it is really easy. I don't have to cook anything special, just the same , just much less. ( and I cook pretty healthy anyway, I have always added 3 x the amount of vegies to a recipe and don't often use premade dishes)
I'm finding giving up bread really hard. I have reduced my intake but fresh Vienna from the bakery is holding me back. I will not lose sleep about it, instead allow my self to enjoy the occasional slice or two.
Last bougie breakfast for the hams today. Kibble w/ egg and basil topped with some parmesan lol. Actually ate the basil.
Probably the most polite dog I've met with food. Set it down in front of him and he just stands there for a minute looking at you wondering what the catch is.
Here he is wondering if there are seconds (hopefully vid works this time):
Fucked up last night and got boba with a friend. My body must be extremely sensitive to caffeine, or I just drank it too late because I couldn't sleep until 3am last night despite waking up at 7am yesterday. Was supposed to do some uni work and go down to the beach with the fam, but my head is pounding. Going to take it kind of easy and hopefully get my work done. Not going to let this ruin my day.
First up, I'm inside with the air con on. Still working hard but without the sweat.
Secondly, 30 pack of Solo + Smirnoff = Hard Solo or harder Solo if I choose to. Yeah pre-mixed Hard Solos are ok for travellers but I'm at home. And this is what I have chosen.
I'm rewatching Arrival after having watched Mickey 17 yesterday and going "what was that movie where they try to talk to the aliens". It's cracking me up that the top realdebrid result is from a torrent titled "41 best movies to watch when stoned (all High IMDB)"
I really couldn't remember so much from this movie though, so it's kind of nice watching it all over again. Can't believe it's 9 years old. I suppose in a few years the movie will finally be dated by the fact that they didn't use AI to analyse the aliens' language immediately
As someone with an interest in linguistics and semantics I absolutely loved it - especially in a family full of men who only think maths and engineering matters
Packing my reading books, I read a lot of autobiographies, I find them endlessly interesting.
so just a taste of what i buy/read, the dam busters ( husband loves this one too, he was a ballistics scientist ) , Storm over the land, The end of the beginning, we were the rats ( of tobruk )
why old books, i like to see where we came from so I can have some understanding of where we are now
Use Opera, turn the built in VPN on and use a temporary email service to make a new account. It takes a while and you may go through a few accounts on the way. Avoid the subreddits you might've been blocked from. Lookup the list of bots that handle the blocking and block those too. Eventually you can change the email to your usual and you won't need to use Opera to access it. I added a counter to my username and added one to each new account. I'm blocked by IP on r/Australia. I'm still avoiding it for lentish and missing it less and less.
I dreamt that I crashed at an old friend's place and woke up to her cooking breakfast listening to Bauhaus while dressed all the way goth'd up. I was thinking in the dream if I should mention how good her breasts looked with the corset, bolero and little mesh covered cleavage window they created. The girl and I were friends 15 years ago but drifted, we had an honest friendship where such things weren't inappropriate, she was doing a science PhD.
Then I changed dream channels and went back to school as mature age, and an uppity Indian mean girl gave me shit for my daggy backpack but it turned out that she was my Indian friend from high school's kid so I snitched to him about his kid being a brat. I'd also bought new boots and class was being held on tablets with rainbow lead pencils for notes.
Dodgy Tubi movie review. Battle Queen 2020. The producers must have looked up the legal definition of porn in their jurisdiction specifically to avoid it by millimetres. Plot plausibility and continuity somewhere in the sub-sub-sub basement. Fantastic for fans of impractical armour. 1 sequinned gstring for the maiming by titty spike.