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Daily Discussion Thread: Monday, July 15, 2024
  • Made it in for a bit but was too much got out straight away:

    Wasn't the size of the waves but the power in them was impressive. Zero people walking their doggos heh.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Monday, July 15, 2024
  • Defs jumping in da ocean for the sunset swim tonight.

    Last time it was like that was in Jan. and it was extremely humbling.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Monday, July 15, 2024
  • When unpacking I usually circle back, touch base and re-process, re-pack then if the synergistic ducks are in a row it'll be all blue skies.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸ·πŸ’ƒ 🎢 Sunday, July 14, 2024
  • Good swim, but the afterdrop hitting and I'm trying to cook for 3.

    I got this.. maybe

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸ·πŸ’ƒ 🎢 Sunday, July 14, 2024
  • It is.

    Absolute shit show.

    I will have a rant about this shortly :)

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸ·πŸ’ƒ 🎢 Sunday, July 14, 2024
  • I broke a drill bit in some wood and spent 20mins trying to get it out :(

    SIL is trying to drive a wedge through the family and I'm being blamed (this is a story for another day).

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸˆβ€β¬› πŸ›‹οΈ Saturday, July 13, 2024
  • Watching an Attenborough thing with the p's tonight.

    My old man is a conservative (staunchly votes libs nats he's a doc, man of science).. was basically about climate / ecological collapse, shit is grim (and it didn't hit the sides).

    "Bottom, you should get the word out, your generation needs to do this'.

    Pointed out he'd been voting for cunts bringing coal into parliament..

    It. did. not. end. well.

    I am just going to leave the room next time a bit more quietly with less colourful language when these issues come up.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸˆβ€β¬› πŸ›‹οΈ Saturday, July 13, 2024
  • digidesign 003

    Ooh nice. People still swear by those.

    Yea I just make (not very good sounding) DnB / halftime for fun in spare time.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸˆβ€β¬› πŸ›‹οΈ Saturday, July 13, 2024
  • Winston (neighbours' dog) has found a new way to jump the fence:

    Just jumps over, barks at trees, the air, rolls around then goes home.

    Winston is a good boi.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸˆβ€β¬› πŸ›‹οΈ Saturday, July 13, 2024
  • The subwoofer is in! Didn't damage anything (more).

    I wasn't able to really use it back home because it was too much.

    Forgot how loud it was. Which brings us to yet another rave choooon

    Bit of a Balancing Act moving it around so happy that's over. All I need to do now is sand and paint the filled bit of wall I fucked and all will be okay.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸˆβ€β¬› πŸ›‹οΈ Saturday, July 13, 2024
  • I'm still surprised the motors on these BCFs still work.

    It's hilarious when you've aggressively automated and assigned a bunch of stuff and the faders move like they're possessed.

    Opals are probably one of better decisions I've made. There are probably better more honest sounding ones these days for the same $ or less, but they're still going strong after 14-ish yrs.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸˆβ€β¬› πŸ›‹οΈ Saturday, July 13, 2024
  • Behringer 2092

    To be paired with event opals.

    A lot of people sort of up their nose at behringer, but all the behringer stuff I have (headphone amp, sub and 2 BCF2000's) all still work fine years later.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸˆβ€β¬› πŸ›‹οΈ Saturday, July 13, 2024
  • Heading down the bellarine today with the heavy af studio subwoofer that I put through a wall getting it down stairs the other day. Finally will be reunited with the main speakers.

    Let's see if I can put it through 2 walls. I like my chances.

  • Tucker Time: Fri 12 Jul 2024
  • Spicy chicken burger with lettuce, tomato, onion, pineapple and cheese. Half breast marinated in 3 hawt sauces, chilli flakes / fresh chilli, minced garlic, lemon juice, lots of powders (onion, garlic, paprika, cumin) for a few hours.

    At the p's place and always have a laugh when they start coughing from the fumes when cooking the chicken (cruel I know).

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸš’ πŸ”₯ 🏭 Thursday, July 11, 2024
  • Here's an odd one (to me at least).

    P's are going to a funeral tm and everyone has to chip in a $fiddy.

    Extremely wealthy family. I've never heard of that before. Is that a thing now?

    I understand they're expensive but just never seen that before.