I am really struggling. I have a sink full of half washed dishes and am unable to complete (or really start) anything of any kind of hobby.
The idiots online are outweighing the couple of chill friends I have and one of them has actually got fed up and dipped, deleting a lot of their posts. IRL I’m surrounded by unstable dipshits. I no longer have the energy to draw.
Medication doesn’t help me (resistant) so all I can really do is keep pointlessly slogging on.
Thanks. I’m just plowing through them quickly so I can have clean dishes (cutlery went in the machine because no way) and will be buying more disposables.
The problem is logging off from the stupids leaves me with emptiness and the extra special stupids irl.
I’m feeding and medicating Melbcat and will probably have to just Restavit the crap out of myself tonight to get some sleep.
Getting back to yourself after depression or being knocked for a loop takes time. Remember: you can just stop anything you start, whenever and pick up whenever. Yes, even halfway through.
I don’t think there will be a ‘back’. I’ve tried everything for decades and nothing has worked. Just some days I can white knuckle it more convincingly than others. That’s all.