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Discussion Thread: Sunday, 9 March 2025


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  • At last! A diet/nutrition article that talks about the 'burden of decision making' in the context of diet. One of my pet peeves is that this aspect isn't given enough weight.

    worth a read whatever diet you're on or not on

    • "On any given day, humans make an estimated 300 decisions about food'.

      hrmm that seems like a lot..

      Good article though.

    • I know diets are really hard. I know will power is a big issue and that I'm not weak, I'm normal. If dieting was easy there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic.

      This is why I love the shake meal replacement. I have no prohibitions to make opportunities for failure and to feel bad. All I have to do is eat way less of what I normally do and have a meal shake instead. I am doing something instead of not doing something.

      And it is really easy. I don't have to cook anything special, just the same , just much less. ( and I cook pretty healthy anyway, I have always added 3 x the amount of vegies to a recipe and don't often use premade dishes)

      • I'm finding giving up bread really hard. I have reduced my intake but fresh Vienna from the bakery is holding me back. I will not lose sleep about it, instead allow my self to enjoy the occasional slice or two.

        • I have 3 slices max a day. It's easy and I like it. Occasionally have some raisin bread , which I know I shouldn't.

      • Which meal shake brand(s) are you liking?

        • I like the aldi one , am using the csiro one at the moment but not using milk as I really want to reduce my intake of dairy because intolerances