It's part of its beauty is that there is no speech and the takes are really long with smooth and slow camera movements. I think it doesn't take a lot of processing to watch.
My dog watches this movie in silence, I've seen this movie once. He's seen it 3 times 😅
I've been watching machinema since I was a wee lad in the 2000s with halo 2 being peak for me. I am so pumped the tech is there for full length feature films! This is like the opposite effect for me, I want "cheaper" methods of making what matters: the story and the narrative using cinematic language. Very glad eevee is getting recognized. Whether it's hand drawn or rendered in a billion dollar engine that took 50 years to render one frame or with realtime 3d, I don't care. I just want it to be easy for a kid to say "I have a story to tell and I want it on a screen" and be able to do that without weird criticism like "you did it with the wrong tools"
I watched it, but couldn't finish it, for the aforementioned reason. The visuals were pretty decent for a benchmark test, but that's about it. Take a shot whenever the cat falls out of the boat.
I felt the same way but we always watch all the animation nominees so I gave it a go.
The look is exactly what you see in the trailer, kind of under cooked for a feature in my opinion. But the animation is great the movement and, for lack of a better word, flow feel really nice. The story is pretty good too, lots of feeling and tension I related to the characters and like them all. The ending didn’t quite hit but more sputtered a bit.
Over all I’ve seen a lot worse Academy Award winners and I’d recommend watching it.
It was a little jarring sometimes. The character animations specifically felt very video gamey, like they were being strung together and blended like video games to to allow simi-fluid animations with player freedom. Despite that distraction, the story was great, and the drama of the scenes were top notch.
Honestly I think it happening to a cat instead of a human really made a difference, because we've all watched humans fake drown or fake die a million times.
I think the quality of it is impressive. The animation is high quality. The feeling of the characters is well communicated despite the lack of dialog.
With that said, I couldn't make it more than 20 minutes into it. It was just too painful to watch the cat meowing and in need of help while in mortal danger.
Oh lordy no, between the cat nearly drowning multiple times (I have a long history of recurring dreams of dying by drowning) and the birds torturing the one bird, I'm going to give the whole thing a miss. I really appreciate that whole "Does The Dog Die?" website.
I did not know about the blender connection. That’s awesome!
I have only seen a little bit of the movie so far, but I do love the style.
It’s nice to see such distinct styles coming to CGI animated films. Not everything needs to look like sonic or Mario, even though those do look good. The recent Dog Man kids movie, adapted from elementary school visual novels, also stood out to me.
I know paying people in "exposure" is cliche, but I think using your software to make an Oscar award winning film is just about the best kind of exposure you could ask for.