Some rivalries never die
Some rivalries never die

The UK has this weird idea that they are the biggest friendly-rival of everyone in western Europe when everyone seems to see them more like the old-grumpy but mostly harmless neighbour.
83 2 Reply"We got you good, Jerry, back in the day, when the Sopwith Camels were whizzing overhead..."
"Ja ja, lassen Sie uns ins Bett bekommen."
29 0 Reply"Ja ja, lassen Sie uns ins Bett bekommen."
13 0 Reply
The class clown of Europe
9 1 ReplyAfter the Napoleonic Wars, where the UK finally crushed France and became the most powerful empire in Europe, they asked for nothing on the European mainland for themselves.
4 8 ReplySee, when Top Gear did a challenge with some French TV presenters and Clarkson kept muttering "don't talk about Agincourt" that was at least funny...
12 0 Reply
But uhm. Died side by side in both world wars; at this point it's gotta be clear 😁 (wouldn't it be more germany/poland F.ex?
19 0 ReplyNo they didn't, the French bent over in ww2 and the UK did fuck all
2 22 ReplyFound the american. Or at the very least someone so ill informed of history they may as well be.
23 1 ReplyWaiit whaaat???
This is noncredible defence, not "I have no clue whatsoever what I'm talking about defence"
15 0 Reply
The people of the UK should be more like the french.
I say that as a brit
12 0 ReplyFriench
11 0 ReplyAnglami
5 0 Reply
Beaker people unite
7 0 ReplyThis is the long awaited beaker - amphorae - banded ware union! Lesgooooo
2 0 Reply
So are the Non-ORK Americans Frodo and Sam? Because some of us are not down with this fascist state. We’re not going anywhere.
7 0 Reply3 0 ReplyThank you for this.
3 0 Reply
... the UK is still in the middle circle ... ?
7 0 Reply