Not a specific example, but it infuriates me more than anything when people say it doesn't matter that hardware, software and media are becoming increasingly dependent on an internet connection to operate.
People lack the foresight to care that the things they are paying for right now, wont last like similar things do from 10-20+ years ago.
Your old dvds, vhs, cds, vinyls, game consoles, tvs telephones.
The current implementations of these mediums have taken ownership away from the consumer, and nobody cares.
I anticipate a massive loss of historically pertinent hardware and information that will result in the new norm of paying for limited access to anything and everything.
Maximum consumption and profit, minimal preservation and environmental efficiency.
Nobody cares, like we are all slowly boiling frogs.
These devices also collect a lot of personal data. The internet connection isn’t necessarily for the device to be useful, but rather to serve ads or sell user information to the highest bidder. Just look at how cars gather data that insurance companies buy. Or the news that Jeep were going to start displaying ads in the center console.
The motives behind this or any form of planned obsolescence are various, usually greed is the reasoning central to these motives, but none of them justify the detriment to the end user(from the end user's perspective).
To offer another perspective. I personally don't care. If everyone cared about owning the media they consume then movie theaters and libraries wouldn't exist. I grew up in the era of VHS and DVDs but I never had a collection because I rented them from Blockbuster. I also rented video games. I chose to pay for temporary access. Even today, when I pirate a movie and have a DRM free file I permanently own, I will delete the file after watching it. I don't want it.
I get that the streaming/licensing trend sucks for people like yourself who like having a collection of physical media they own, but it honestly doesn't bother me at all.
Content, media, and art all Can Will and currently Does disappear FOREVER. You dont care because you got what you wanted out of it, but what about everyone else that deserves the experience?
If the experience becomes desirable enough then yes, distributers will be happy to charge everyone again and again for it, until they deem the demand inadequate, then the content gets locked away in the vault, forgotten, deleted...
There is no sense in this other than companies taking advantage of your complacency for profit.
That all being said, i do appreciate you sharing your perspective.
If you torrent media, you should keep it at least until you have a positive ratio. Torrenting is a group effort, and every time someone has a negative ratio, someone else needs to overcompensate for it. If you don't keep your ratios, you're also making the torrent die, which is bad for media preservation.
When people dismiss children's concerns. Maybe to adults is not a big deal, but to kids it does matter. I make an effort to pay attention and listen when a child tells me something.
I also feel particularly passionate about this, as felt totally dismissed by nearly every adult in my life as a kid. That shit feels so defeating and isolating. it can seriously fuck you up.
People not caring about their privacy and their data being collected and sold to everyone. "Eh, it's not like my data is worth anything". If it wasn't, it wouldn't be sold, moron. All those spam and scam calls you receive? Yeah, that's because your "worthless" data is being sold, resold and spread out everywhere. But hey, if you fall for a scam and lose, dunno, 50k dollars, it's not a big deal, huh?
I think more people should be concerned about their privacy, but I don't really agree with this premise. It's kind of like if there were diamonds in some peoples trash, so a company collected everyone's trash so sift through it and take the diamonds to sell. The fact that some people's trash is valuable enough for them to do this, doesn't mean mine is.
That's how these work, they hoover up everything and sell it in bulk. It doesn't mean any given users data is valuable. And that's why so many don't care.
As far as scam calls go, I have a number I have never given to anyone outside immediate family, who I know haven't shared it, and still received scam calls. They just call every number, even if you don't answer. Pretty sure if it rings at all they flag it as potentially active. Sure spreading it around may increase the number, but there's no true way to hide.
The comment is about the case google won for collection and selling data of individuals and the ramifications of that case. This is the primary underlying issue in the present.
The right to own and sell a part of a person—their digital self is ultimately a forfeiture of autonomous citizenship. It is also an implied forfeiture of freedom of information which is the third pillar of democracy. Allowing the ownership over a part of a citizen is giving up citizenship. This is why you do not own anything, and everything is a subscription, and enshitification; it is all due to this one core issue of your right to own all of yourself free from slavery including the sale and exploitation of a part of your person. This is a master link, the precedent that lead to where we are at. "The ads based internet" is about the sale and collection of your personal data with the intent to exploit you. That is a violation of a fundamental human right. This was never about banner ads. It is about placing people in information bubbles and spheres of influence. It is about stupid consumers and corporate overlords extracting taxes for every move a peasant makes. Such is the true power of controlling information. Like your internet search results are not deterministic. It does not matter where you search. There are only 2 web crawlers that are relevant in the present world; Google/Microsoft. All others indirectly query these two. They can fingerprint and track nearly everyone in real time. You are being targeted for more than just ads. This is the death of democracy because a citizen must be autonomous and well informed in any democracy and this is not possible when you can be manipulated through bowdlerization and targeted misinformation or overload.
I had a discussion/argument in ~2018 with a friend who is/was very anti-trump. I brought up the dangers of ICE and how, at the time, they were the biggest sign of an overtly fascist future. He immediately handwaved it and dismissed me as crazy.
He's got a degree in history education and was obsessed with WW2 history, so I didn't think this would be a point of contention. But for a lot of liberals (including him) Fascists have to literally be wearing a swastika before they're called what they are. Some won't even acknowledge the existence of a Nazi Salute when they see one.
Even today he's obsessed with Trump as the single anomaly in US politics and doesn't see the bigger picture.
A force like ice is necessary though. Unregulated immigration does result in issues in the receiving country;that only works when 2 countries are economically similar. It's their use that's indictive of faciam rather than their existence imo
but i have an extremely rare disease that forces me to eat dead animals, animals do it too, plants feel pain, a vegan was rude to me 10 years ago, and its not like me paying for farmers to kill animals and thus creating a demand for meat means i have a hand in it!!!!!!!!
I dislike US rule because it self-imposes itself over the entire world, trying to insert its media in every facet of everyone's life, its military in impoverished countries, effectively forcing them to stay poor and "not a threat to US democracy" under the guise of rescue, etc.. One state's terrorist is a people's freedom fighter. I looked back at 9/11 for example, the event they're still sensitive about. The US, through oppression and infestation, turned men into the 'terrorists' that became Al Qaeda. This narrative is retold in media, the morals and messages are retold but the public seemingly ignores it.