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lady_maria lady_maria
Posts 26
Comments 152
Eggo waffle (toasted), Nutella, icing sugar.
  • I'd definitely eat that! Though, I prefer them with peanut butter and dark chocolate chips (the latter is from the freezer for added crunch)

  • Trial results for new lung cancer drug are ‘off the charts’, say doctors
  • That's awesome to hear, but I'm sure it'll be unaffordable for many—if not most—people who need it... at least in the US. :(

  • Therapists are blaming polyamory for patients' problems. These researchers want to change that.
  • Idk... a good therapist can do a lot of good. But I can't in good faith blame you for having that perspective.

    There are some really shitty ones out there, and then there are the ones that seem to try, but just aren't very good. I've experienced both myself.

  • Leonid the Lurker
  • I'm like this, but tbh I don't like that about myself. I just find group chats stressful and very socially draining.

  • Teen rapper accidentally kills himself on social media video after pointing gun at his head and pulling trigger
  • We're all idiots—at least at that age—but most of us don't end up dead because of our idiocy. :'(

    Ugh. So senseless and tragic.

  • [Official Art] Inscryption - Album art! by Carpet-Crawler on DeviantArt - Inscryption
  • It's definitely worth it; it's a very unique experience that I really wish I could play for the first time again.

    I strongly suggest going in as blindly as possible.

  • [Official Art] Inscryption - Album art! by Carpet-Crawler on DeviantArt - Inscryption
  • That's fair. I definitely felt frustrated at times, especially at the beginning of each act, but by the time I finished the game, I was obsessed and


    played enough of the post-game roguelike to unlock—and beat Leshy with—all of the decks.

    tbh, I'm not even really much of a card game person; I probably wouldn't've played it at all if not for the fact that my SO begged me to try it.

  • Connect A Song lady_maria

    Blondie - Heart Of Glass


    Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • For the most part, women aren't saying that all men are dangerous.

    We're saying that a significant percentage of them are—as established by the fact that the majority of women have experienced sexual harassment and/or assault at least once—and that "bad" men and "good" men are often indistinguishable from each other... for the first few minutes, hours, days, months, or even years of knowing them.

    And then there are the many men who may not actively harass or assault women, but look away and remain silent when they witness their friends doing it. Those men are unsafe, too.

    Anyone who perceives this hypothetical situation as "sexist" is not bothering to actually listen to what women are saying, which tracks. Hit dogs holler.

  • Breaking the news
  • Honestly, I'd respond positively. Small talk is exhausting

  • Man who revealed what it was like 'being ugly' on YouTube finds love with woman who commented
  • You're missing the point by a mile. It's not about physical attraction, finances, or even the types of men just looking for a one-night stand. There are many men who want to be in long-term relationships, but don't put in the effort necessary to keep that relationship alive and healthy.

    Men benefit from long-term relationshipsbmore than women; a woman's workload actually increases because she's usually the one tasked with managing the home and all of the emotional and physical labor that comes with that... even when she already has a full-time job.

    In order for a woman to want to be with a man, he needs to positively affect her life overall. So many men simply do not do that. That is the barrier to entry, and it is far from an unreasonable one. It's generally easier and more desirable to be single than it is to be in a relationship with a man.

  • Man who revealed what it was like 'being ugly' on YouTube finds love with woman who commented
  • eh... women are mostly complaining because they struggle to find men they'd want to date, not because they think men won't date them.

  • Some of those who work forces
  • I can't tell if this is sarcasm

  • Some of those who work forces
  • My parents didn't like it AT ALL when I played that album's CD as a teenager. 😁

  • Autism LPT: How to get out of a call when you want
  • That strategy hasn't let me down yet.

  • Brave toddler, 3, tried to escape and told mom 'I love you' while being 'exorcised' to death in church as prosecutors finally try to bring evil parents and grandfather to justice
  • ‘God told Claudia this was happening because she was never meant to be a mother,’ Wise wrote.

    Claudia told police she did not take drugs and has no history of mental illness. Asked if she had caused her daughter’s death she replied ‘in a way’

    So did she actually hallucinate this advisement from "God", or did she just want a reason to escape motherhood? I don't understand how you could do that to anyone, let alone your own three-year-old child.

    What the fuck. 😢😢😢

  • me_irl
  • Definitely, at least when it comes to most people.

    While everyone should do it in some capacity, working on yourself can only go so far if you struggle in social situations because of the symptoms of disorders like autism or ADHD. Sometimes the difficulty to connect stems not from a problem with what the person is doing or saying, but others' perception of it.

    But of course, the types of people they're surrounded by can affect things a lot, too, especially when there are differences in background, culture, or belief.

  • I got hit by a car today!
  • Thank you! I appreciate it. I don't really have particularly severe chronic pain, but my SO does, so I'm familiar with how hard it can be to get serious pain relief and how horribly frustrating that can be.

    imo, it's cruel whether the pain is chronic or acute. I guess I get why they're so stingy, but there needs to be a lot more grace for pain patients. It's not just about pain, but mental health, too. :/

    I was definitely a little surprised and annoyed about it. Clearly there's no questioning the fact that I'll be in significant pain for (at minimum) a month, so why are you giving me only 6 days' worth? Are decent scripts reserved for only the people who are literally on their death bed???

  • what's going on with p-diddy?
  • In addition to what's already been said, he was also accused (by a former body guard) of grooming Usher :(

    Based on everything I've heard , that claim doesn't exactly sound far-fetched.

  • I got hit by a car today!

    I was crossing a crosswalk early this morning on my way to the bus stop for work, while the walk sign was on, and the driver turned left onto a main road from a stop light and smashed into my left side. I was later told that I "flew up into the air".

    It was all very much a blur and I was pretty dizzy and out of it at first, but no head trauma. Some kind lady who said she was a nurse ran to help me up and to the side of the road, and the cops and ambulance came pretty fast (I think, at least).

    I was taken to the hospital and was told that I fractured my humerus head (left shoulder). They told me I may not need surgery, but we'll see what the orthopedic surgeon says during my follow-up appointment in a few days. Other than that, I just have a bunch of scrapes and bruises.

    Overall, while I'm in quite a bit of pain, I'm grateful because it could've been way worse. My SO and parents are pushing to sue for pain/suffering, which I was hesitant to do until I read (online) that I wouldn't be suing the person who hit me, but their insurance company), so I guess that'll probably happen. They already found me a lawyer.

    I truly have no ill-will toward that person because shit happens, it was dark, and they got out of the car immediately to call 911, so it's not like they didn't do what was right when it came down to it. I'm sure they're traumatized, and that their insurance payment will go way up... which I feel a little bad about given the state of the US rn. But I guess I don't have any control over that.

    Honestly, while the whole thing was obviously pretty traumatic for me, too—and I keep replaying that moment in my head—I think I'd rather get hit by a car than hit someone with my car.


    What difficult/unpleasant experience are you most proud of yourself for making it through?

    Personally, most of my life has been both difficult and unpleasant due to mental health issues (and capitalism), so I'm just proud of myself for still being here.
