My mother in law is absolutely convinced that democrats are going to go marching around with guns to drag her and her family out into the street to be executed.
If she realized there was still space to the left of "Democrat" on the politician field she'd have an aneurism.
Sealab will always have a special place in my heart for introducing me to Hesh Prince mc chris. ATHF is a close second (and I'll always get the ending to 'I Want Candy' wrong).
My mother in law tells me how worried she is for my daughter and how unfair it is trans kids will compete with her in sports and use her bathrooms. Thanks for the heads up, keep hiding in your house in the woods and leave the parenting to me, this doesn't affect you now shut up.
It is absolutely soul sucking to see people look at children's athletics and think to themselves "What happens if that girl is secretly a boy and then my kids play with them and my kids don't win?!" like the local Little League club is going to deny your child a World Series championship ring.
God forbid anyone play for the love of the fucking game.
Everything has to be perfect so their child can win, of course! And let's just glide over the fact that none of these people gave two shits about girls' or women's sports before trans people were added to the mix.
Basic decency shouldn't rely on laws that are unenforcable.
If you tread to far on that part, you just create another type of religion.
And religious rules are the reason why people act with such cruelty toward LGBT to begin with.