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Kyatto Kaity


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Workday wellness check
  • I remember just feeling numb like in disbelief that it was happening, I'm sure I have blocks of parts of that experience. I felt subhuman there.

    At some point after returning home I just shut down, stopped communicating with anyone, and layed in bed for months.

  • fwiends
  • lmao that's a funny way to put it. I honestly have no clue about outgassing, I've worn glasses my whole life and I don't recall ever having issues. I also have no allergies or sensitivities whatsoever though. My partner is sure that it's just eye strain or adjusting to the new "biome" of stale air you have for your eyes now, she just got a pair after needing them for years and she had a lot of trouble adjusting to them and still never wears them all the time.

    I never would have thought of burning as a way to describe it but I looked it up and apparently it is a fairly common concern if you never wore glasses and got a large prescription, the glasses focus the light in on your eyes and your eyes aren't used to that. I actually do have trouble in daylight cause of my extreme prescription and never thought it could be possibly related to the glasses, I just thought it was that way due to my silver irides.

  • fwiends
  • I figure you'd also have a rash if it was a sensitivity strong enough to make your eyes burn, but the only other things I could think of I feel you'd already have figured out... Not blinking enough cause no wind on your eyes to help trigger blinking, eyelashes getting in your eye, or eye fatigue from the correction and not taking breaks to look at something far away..

  • can't even pause without them invading
  • Remember when ads were just popup banners on the bottom of the screen?

  • Your stupid decal finally makes sense!
  • I want to go there just to get the shirt tbh

  • Workday wellness check
  • It's not just a hospital too by the way. It was a murder short of feeling like I was in the asylum from outlast. Wailing, fighting, screaming and all other sorts of antisocial behavior, with the staff barely in control. At the least that was how it felt and being committed to that place beyond just preventing my possible suicide in the short term became a lasting traumatic experience.

  • What if Everyone Did Something to Slow Climate Change? Researchers are looking at the impact that individuals’ actions can have on reducing carbon emissions — and the best ways to get people to adopt
  • If everyone took action it would be pretty quick and drastic. But the problem is they aren't meaning actually everyone. They are talking about the peasants, cause in actuality everyone taking action would include the few who contribute the grand majority to the problem, the few who uphold policies that cause people to damage the world, the few holding profits over meaningful and long-lived global health. But NYT is talking not about them, not about the real problem, they are talking about individuals forced to contribute to global warming by way of interaction in a system run by the real problem people and that is why it cannot be true and meaningful improvement.

  • I feel attacked...
  • this is me to a t almost

  • You probably shouldn't trust the info anyway.
  • I've seen a big uptick in that word usage, I don't like seeing them and use a replacing extension to intercept and censor them to a more appropriate word, while showing an asterisk so I know it was censored. Now I don't have to see the word, but I still get to see who is being a bigoted jerk.

    Edit: ya so I guess on lemmy people think it's cool to throw ableist slurs.

  • You probably shouldn't trust the info anyway.
  • Better chat models exist w

    This one even provides sources to reference.

  • Protestation
  • In capitalism, you have the capitalists, presiding above all, with made up ideological boundaries to keep them in-fighting. In communism the true boundaries are revealed, between the proletariat, the bourgeoisie, and the plutocrats.

  • Charmander making pancakes
  • this is too cute

  • Anon goes to dinner with coworkers
  • Because the british bought all out their food sources, subjecting them to a famine where they had to grow potatoes to survive.

  • I'm sure the women will be so very sad
  • We already have VNs and dildos so idk what else we could need.

  • Elon Musk Is a National Security Risk
  • shitocracy, or a skatacracy if you will.

  • If it works it works.
  • I switched over to development/experimental package repos cause I was impatient for a new feature. I switched back to prod but I didn't revert my packages. It worked fine for a couple weeks but they eventually became to outdated and I couldn't post.

    Luckily you can use a live stick to chroot in to fix. Felt pretty cool being able to do that, but yeah it was a stupid mistake lol. And I'm always gonna have a live USB on the side just in case I do something similarly bone headed.

  • Meditation [MrLovestein]
  • I'm feeling unreasonably upset at the yellow character in this one.

  • Illinois Man Wrongly Convicted of 2008 Murder Is Awarded $50 Million
  • Well, considering I gave up 10 years of my life to be left with about 500 dollars tied up in future bills, with the promise of more work and more bills never balancing out to where I can ever save or progress further in society and enjoy life.. I think I would.

  • The dark arts
  • I take 30-40 calls daily, before this job I would never call, now I feel very comfortable calling, but I will still never ever answer an unknown call outside of work.

  • Biden moves to crack down on Shein and Temu, slow shipments into US
  • Right, only approved slave labor is okay. I'm not fans of either, but I'm not going to kid myself that this decision isn't anything less than protecting corporate interests. Neither is ethical, but one is both overpriced and has regulators in their pockets.

    Edit: ahh I see, I accidentally commented on a server

  • Finally started to get a wardrobe and start dressing feminine for the first time in my transition!

    How do I look? I've been feeling very euphoric with the new clothes but nervous if I pass or not..

    But I've at least been feeling super cute lately and I try to push the doubts down. -


    Rulerrection day

    Update: Thanks to a few of y'all who got me to look at things differently I think there was a miscommunication. I called my mom, and sorta cleared things up, they said they thought that my message out to them was saying I was planning on celebrating trans day of visibility, and not just mentioning it off hand after accepting the invite. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say I am not fully convinced but I love them enough to forgive. Things have been rocky with them, my dad is teetering on the edge of ultra-conservative and still misgenders and dead-names me. In my mind there was a very real possibility my dad told my mom to dis-invite us after knowing it was a trans day.


    Kinda posting to just vent, family instantly cancelled when I just mentioned it was a trans awareness day.

    Crazy thing is they know me, they know we're not religious, they know that all we'd like to do is just see family (most importantly the two doggos.) And now I'm not going to be getting to do that and I just feel pretty hurt after this. I've sent some messages back and forth and they've re-invited us, but without a clear explanation or sincere apology, my partner doesn't feel comfortable around them now. I agree with her, so we won't be going.

    This is the first overtly discriminatory thing I have experienced from them, and it is just so strange this is what hill they decided to claim.

    I hate being a social war politic pawn, any other situation, birthday falling on the same day, solar event, or an "acceptable" awareness day, would have been met with open arms. They've just treated us as degenerates.

    I wasn't expecting or wanting anything, other than perhaps a minor acknowledgement, just getting cancelled on is bizarre and I can only see it as hateful or at least extremely overly defensive over my perceived motives?

    Well idk after this I feel like on march 31st it would have been really fun if I spent the day misgendering them so they could experience a taste of some of the experiences I have. But I'm still just hurt, I would have loved to get a hug from my mom and sis and pet the dogs.

    Hopefully this follows the rule and venting is ok, this is my first post here and I would have rather it be something more lighthearted but I just want support and validation after this.
