Authorities in Ontario, Canada claimed to have found more than 80 Tesla vehicles vandalized in a showroom, later marking the incident the the largest vandalism instance in Canada against a US-based car dealership
Donald Trump threatened to send American citizens convicted of vandalizing Tesla vehicles to El Salvador’s infamous Terrorism Confinement Center, labeling the vandals as "sick terrorist thugs" deserving 20-year sentences.
This statement followed a major vandalism incident in Ontario, Canada, where around 80 Tesla cars were damaged.
Trump’s comments coincide with controversy over his use of the 1798 Alien Enemies Act to deport migrants, halted by a court order.
The White House defended the deportation despite legal challenges, denying any violation of the court’s injunction.
People's reaction: "This is tyranny!"
The reality: This is delusional.
Trump doesn't have the power to give that kind of order and any official carrying it out can be convicted and imprisoned under state law that Trump can't pardon them for. He actually doesn't understand this despite being president once already because he either always has been retarded*, or got that way due to some sort of dementia.
*I mean that in the medical sense, not as an insult.
We need to remember that we're We the People. Fuck the Democratic politicians if they won't fight for us. Fuck the traitor Republican politicians if they threaten us.
Id argue Americans are even more gaslit and deluded than they were with modern for profit media combined with captured government pulpits.
I truly think the average American would sooner burn their own children alive than protest/disempower their capitalist fascist oppressors gutting their very lives for an extra nickel. For profit media says the fault of our problems are all the powerless homeless neighbors we've all collectively betrayed lowering property values with their continued immoral existence as they produce no value other than to scare everyone else back to their jobs every day.
Wouldn't want to be accused of being a filthy SOCIAList that wants to be part of a SOCiety after all. Why live together when we can die alone at each other's throats hoping the next lottery ticket or third side gig will make us a big winnah!
I will never, never forget all the domestic politicians using their pulpits when covid hit to assure everyone that they will do everything possible to protect our beloved society people children future economy, with basically no pushback 🤮
Agreed, the people would rather abdicate their responsibilities to institutions that have no accountability and now we're seeing the results. The majority have grown fat and stupid and now they need to relearn that the stove is hot by getting burned.
burn their children alive than protest/disempower their capitalist fascist oppressors.
I'm concerned that's a package deal. As soon as he hits the right trigger, it goes martial law. If he shoots protestors, 40% of the US will be chomping at the bit to grab their own guns and help him.
The left might have the majority, but they're not armed and deluded and ready for the blood of the regular right.
Odd? I can't wrap my head around the lack of coherent threats anymore.
Like I knew it was going to be bad, but I expected more action and less, uh, I guess stupid statements? Like is this drug fueled, or is it just idiots talking? Idiots talking while on drugs?
"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."
Murder innocent women and children. You should deport the rest of the women and children to some place they've never lived and let the murderers take their homes
Spray paint a car, you should deport the spray painted to a prison in a country they have never lived in.
Newsflash: He can't do it. The Supreme Court would have to block it. If he does it to Tesla vandals then he can do it to anyone ... including Supreme Court judges. The SC judges are not that stupid ... anymore. It seems like one or two of them have spit Trumps balls out of their mouth.
I'm not convinced. Even if they did find against him for something, he'd just defy it. MAGAs are actually looking forward to the point when they get to castrate the Supreme Court by openly ignoring their rulings.
I kinda want to dare them to deport me, a relatively well off white heterosexual male multi-gen native born US citizen, just so I have the pleasure of suing the ever loving fuck out of the government on as many fronts as are legally feasible. Every single minute infraction committed will be a knock-down, drag-out affair.
Dude, these people are being disappeared. That means they're gone. Good luck ever seeing them again. Even as a white guy, you would suffer untold horrors we can't comprehend.
Anecdotally, I was a wild youngin decades ago and went to county jail for two weeks. Even jail was horrible, and they treat you like you're subhuman. It's freezing all the time, the showers are kept purposely boiling hot, and the food is inedible as it's pure sugar garbage. The loser guards finally have a leg up on other people and make sure they get their payback for their shitty lives. You poop and pee in public. As a woman, they literally limited the pads you could use, so I just bled through.
Now imagine you remove all those luxuries I just complained about, and you've got this type of prison.
I don't think you fully grasp the situation. You still seem to think that there are consequences for Trump when he breaks the law, and that the legal system in the US is still in-tact enough to grant you not only your freedom, but some compensation for your rights being trampled.
Yes, it is outrageously illegal for him to abduct Americans and send them to a black site on foreign soil with no due process. But he spent his entire last term positioning himself to be able to do and get away with outrageously illegal things this time around. He controls the department of justice and the supreme court. The supreme court has already given him an incredibly wide blanket for presidential immunity.
You might think "well, that's ok - as soon as the story gets out, people will be rioting in the streets!", but you have to remember that "independent media" is a thing that doesn't really exist anymore. All of the major news sources in print and on television are owned by a small handful of billionaires, and he is very good at keeping billionaires on side. Any information that gets out there will be downplayed immediately, and the news will be forgotten in a couple of days to be replaced by the latest shocking celebrity news or the latest atrocity Trump has committed.
You probably would get out eventually (provided you don't get sick and die or get beat to death by the guards or shanked or something), but you would be far, far worse off for the experience. The dream of vindication you'd get for sticking it to Trump would vanish like mist in the sun and you'd be left with the heart-wrenching reality that the life you had previously known is over, and you are at the mercy of the barbarians now.
I kinda want to dare them to deport me, a relatively well off white heterosexual male multi-gen native born US citizen, just so I have the pleasure of suing the ever loving fuck out of the government on as many fronts as are legally feasible. Every single minute infraction committed will be a knock-down, drag-out affair.
FIrst, the tough guy act impresses nobody. How well do you think you're going to do as a white boy that doesn't speak Spanish in a prison cell with 79 Venezuelan and El Salvadoran gang members? You'll be lucky if you survive the week.
Second, you'll never have a chance to sue. Trump isn't giving that option. He is arresting these people and deporting them to El Salvador before he even figures out who the hell they are. We can't even confirm they are even documenting who is being sent there. They could just be picking random people who look brown enough or who have the "wrong" tattoos, throwing them on a plane, and shipping them off. There's no court case involved. You'll be sitting in a cell, in El Salvador, 23.5 hours a day, 7 days a week. Forever. With no access to communication. No access to family visits. No access to a lawyer. How the fuck you gonna sue? You'll be lucky if you ever even talk to someone who speaks English again.
Maybe your family can sue on your behalf, if they even know where you are or what happened to you. Good luck with that. Maybe, Maybe if you're lucky, you'll be the .0000001% of cases the SC actually hears. After years of legal wrangling (where you'll be sitting in that cell the entire time for), the Supreme Court may very well issue a ruling for Donald Trump to completely ignore.
And the US courts have no jurisdiction over El Salvador's prisons. A US court demand for the release would just be met with being told to fuck right off.
Carter negotiated relentlessly for their release, and even attempted an armed rescue mission that failed, but Reagan had counter-negotiated behind his back, and convinced the Iranians to hold on the hostages until after the Inauguration. They were released while Reagan was being sworn in.
That's called Treason, and Reagan should have gotten the rope for that. Then he sold weapons of mass destruction to Iran to finance his illegal war in Central America, using drug smugglers to smuggle weapons to his CIA mercenaries. Once the weapons were dropped off, the pilots fulled their planes with cocaine and flew it back to America. The enormous number of CIA-protected cocaine flights to America led to the breath-taking crack cocaine epidemic of the 80s/90s. More treason, and he definitely should have gotten the rope for that.
Reagan was one of the most destructive presidents in American history.
I'm pessimistic about a lot of what people say Trump can't do, but he definitely can't do this one.
Edit: that's enough of this community. Y'all are way worse than even the politics and tanky subs on Reddit. Jesus, y'all need some help. Count me as another ally you threw away because you can't see past your own ignorance.
Hey, I see that you're mad about the people responding to you, but it's vital that you understand that the constitution is dead, the republic is over, we have a king now. We're maybe, generously, months from Congress dissolving itself at Trump's request. At this point, the Trump administration can and will do whatever they want; when there are no consequences for violating the law, the law does not exist. It's up to us, the people, to make them second guess and wonder if there will be consequences- in a better scenario, they would know there would be consequences, but I think we're past that.
All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.
What are you doing then, or are you not a good person?
I'm not mad at all honestly, just disappointed. I would expect honesty and truth from this server, but all I get is doomer BS, insults, and false info. If y'all can't even be honest you're just another r/politics or r/conservative.
Have fun continuing to lose the country. If y'all can't tell the truth and then downvote accurate context y'all are just as bad as MAGA. I want no part in either.
You are missing the point that there are no rules or laws anymore. Legally, there is lots he cant do, but he keeps doing them anyway, because in his mind, legal is anything he gets away with. SCOTUS gave him immunity, and he intends to abuse and exploit it as much as he possibly can.
Until a US Citizen gets deported I'll sit. I've been bombarded with people here saying it's already happened, but no one can provide me with evidence. You're all just fear mongering and that's ridiculous. That's the psychotic BS MAGA and conservatives do. All I'm seeing is leftists here doing the same and it's pitiful.
I want to agree with you, but why can't he? The courts aren't saying, "You can send these people to El Salvador because immigrants have fewer rights." The courts are saying, "They have rights, you can't send them there," and his admin is ignoring them. What's to stop an attempt to deport citizens?
I don't want to be blackpilled, but public backlash hasn't amounted to enough. Hopefully a greater public backlash will matter, but it seems like people don't recognize how dire the situation really is.
Theoretically, the citizens of the US would stop him from doing that. It's such an obvious an egregious violation of rights that (again, in theory) he would lose a lot of support over it and we'd potentially face riots and massive protests. This is probably what Trump wants though, so he and Musk have a reason to implement martial law and really take the mask off
He literally already did. Legal US residents were shipped off to a concentration camp with no trial or due process. This is despite a judge ruling that he "can't."
Pretty sure he's already shipped legal green card holders already. At the very least it just takes a clerical error to label a citizen incorrectly to accomplish the same thing. And that was even in the face of a court order explicitly telling him not to do that. He just ignored it.
He can. They're basically just kidnapping people and whisking them out of the country before they have time to get legal representation or take it to court. And if a court does manage to rule that the deportations are illegal, Trump's forces ignore it and deport the people anyway. The only way to stop it is to physically obstruct the deportations, but who is doing that?
Trump has already started ignoring the courts. The rule of law no longer applies in the USA.
Say someone sues. Say they rule against Trump. Say it’s appealed, all the way to the Supreme Court, eventually, and say they actually take the case and rule against him in, at best, a narrow 5-4 ruling.
That’s pretty unlikely. And the defendant will have been in prison a long time, already. And he could just bring them back without much fanfare, as this is a hundred controversies back.
And say he defies the order, especially if the Supreme Court refuses to take it… Then what? Is congress going to harass him for a immigration case? That is political suicide, and the congresspeople would be at real risk of physical retribution too.
This is what populist, fascist dictatorships do. They can’t get away with everything, but they constantly push the envelope and game the systems, hence the orders he is already starting to push.
Obama, Biden, Bush, even Trump on 2016 couldn’t do this because the political support from a base wasn’t there, but now it is.
How will they sue when they have no access to a lawyer, they've been picked up off the street, held in black sites incommunicado and then sent to these slave labour camps, never having gone near to a lawyer, a phone or a court?
The people being sent there now have not been convicted of a crime. I wouldnt even be confident that the people sending them into lifetime slavery know who they are. There could already be US citizens kidnapped into slavery for all anyone knows.