screaming professor noise intensifies
screaming professor noise intensifies

Static pictures do transmit sound. Inside your head. You know the sound of a crowbar hitting the pipe
1 0 ReplyTook me a second but finally got it.
Mr Freeman, we meet again.
30 0 ReplyWhat? You got what?
1 4 ReplyIt's a Half-Life joke. The video game.
4 0 ReplyPick up that can
2 0 Reply
It's hard to tell. I hope somebody has left a trail of single notebook pages, diary pages and dictaphones scattered in various drawers and cupboards nearby.
20 0 ReplyI just hope they have been recording their experiment log the right way, across multiple unconnected computers.
10 0 Reply
A cause for conCERN
17 0 ReplySure, a resonance cascade. That might as well happen.
15 0 ReplyGordon doesn't need to hear all that, hes a highly trained professional.
2 0 Replysome of us are neoposadists, and really hoping for it.
1 0 Reply
Ayee i have been there. Thats the conference center in the background :D
9 0 ReplyLamarr!
10 0 Replycrossposted to [email protected]
3 0 ReplyConsidering the current state of the world, this could be a good thing. Let them cook
4 0 ReplyJust scientist things
4 0 ReplyThey're waiting for you, @[email protected]
3 0 ReplyAre they breeding face huggers?
3 0 ReplyThat's a headcrab. They latch onto the skull and consume the brain, latching into the brainstem to wrest control of the body and improve locomotion, ensuring their next meal is even easier.
6 0 Reply
@PlasticPope a game changer #nerd
1 0 Reply