Pelosi Comes Out Against Schumer’s Government Shutdown Retreat
Pelosi Comes Out Against Schumer’s Government Shutdown Retreat
If Pelosi is against you capitulating to Republicans, you know you fucked up.
126 2 ReplyPelosi is a armchair quarterback. She can be all tough because she didn't have a part to play this time.
If she had been involved she'd have rolled over like a thing that rolls over a lot.
41 0 ReplyA gas station hot dog?
23 0 ReplyOoo, that's gooood
14 0 Reply
67 4 ReplyPelosi didn’t grow a spine. She probably sees some way of increasing her net worth.
34 2 ReplyOr she sees it as bad politics, because it is bad politics.
21 0 Reply
Isn’t she retiring soon?
4 0 ReplyNo before she goes to the Republican side because schumer made a bad decision. Wouldn't that be hilarious?
1 0 Reply
Yeah right, shut the fuck up and get out of our way already Nancy.
6 0 ReplyGod grant every Democrat the bravery of the ones not running for reelection
19 0 ReplyPelosi: "You idiot!"
43 0 ReplyFeel it is more like "You eeeeeeediot" a la Ren and Stimpy.
14 0 ReplyHaving grown up with that show, pretty sure I was unconsciously channeling that energy. xD
3 0 Reply
Thanks to Chuck, Amy isn't even the worst Schumer any more.
36 0 ReplyI laughed and cried when I read this.
3 0 Reply
Pelosi is just as ineffectual and needs to go just as bad...
Her coming out against Schumer is just her self preservation instinct.
We can't afford to let geriatric neoliberals lead the only other alternative to fascism. Even if they wanted to fight, they're not capable of it.
So if they really gave a fuck about the country, we wouldn't have to waste this time screaming at them to get out of the fucking way.
27 4 ReplyI wouldn't call her ineffectual, she still holds massive sway in dc. That being said, she is one of the many reasons the democrats are so ineffectual.
9 0 ReplyShe's great at picking which stock to buy...
She ineffectual at what she's in office to be doing.
I didn't think I'd need to make that distinction though.
8 2 Reply
Schumer don't be an impotent bitch
22 0 ReplyPelosi is just as spineless. More than likely, the instant backlash was probably surprising to these folks since they're so amazingly out of touch. If it starts to look like trouble for reelection/pocketbook, then they pretend to be activists.
9 2 ReplyHaven't clicked on the article, not sure yet. Based on these comments though, if i had literally no other information, either Pelosi or Schumer is super old and bad and needs to retire.
I do have some information though. Both of them need to go away. They still have Bernie Sanders so we should avoid the Jan 6 strategy.
5 0 ReplyThat's because Chuck Schumer is a punk ass bitch.
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