What's your favourite classic movie you think everyone should have seen once in their life?
Me and two friends had "classic movie nights" for a couple of years before I moved away. We would watch something which is considered a classic and it had to have been released before 2000. We watched only those which none of us three have seen before and we would watch it like once every two months or so. Movies like:
Gone with the Wind
The Godfather
Taxi Driver
Murder on the Orient Express
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Rear Window
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Le Grande Bouffe
Tengoku to jigoku
It was a ton of fun and we talked about the movie before, what our expectations are and after just generally and each of us would give it a IMDB star rating.
Now sadly my friends live 9 time zones away, so we can't really do that anymore. But I was thinking to try to convince my wife to do this classic movies night with me. Right now she is reluctant because English is her 4rth language and especially older movies are using language differently too, but one day she will give in :D.
Anyway, now that you know the rules, what movies do you think I still missed and should watch?
Would you and your wife be okay with reading subtitles? Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa is a Japanese movie, released in 1950, that explores how truth is perceived differently by different people.
In 2008, a former member of the Goto-gumi yakuza group told reporter Jake Adelstein: "We set it up to stage his murder as a suicide. We dragged him up to the rooftop and put a gun in his face. We gave him a choice: jump and you might live or stay and we'll blow your face off. He jumped. He didn't live."
In the first season of Tokyo Vice, which is loosely based on the life of Jake Adelstein, there's a scene where this choice is offered to a yakuza member. I wonder if the writers took inspiration from your piece of trivia or whether it's just a common way of covering up murders over there.
This movie has a special place in my heart. For me it constantly remains you who's the most important person in your life. Your time together is short and fleeting. Unfortunate things can happen. You really need to hold the moments you have together while it lasts.
I feel like First Blood is not only a good movie but a glimpse into how traumatized veterans were neglected by the US government and stigmatized by the general population. With the current administration shitting on veterans left and right, they’re definitely keeping that tradition alive, and the movie has become a lot more relevant because of it.
Definitely. I love this movie and I think it’s a great heavy character driven story. I believe it is something that everyone should watch once, at the very least. After all these years I’m still undecided on whether I would vote guilty or not guilty, there’s a lot to consider in the case and the jurors all have their flaws which makes it more interesting than just “juror good, juror bad”.
It's a film that you can enjoy on so many levels. You can appreciate the way they keep a story shot essentially in a single room so visually stimulating the entire way through, or the performances from the cast whose characters grow into the film as more is revealed about their lives, or the way the film makes you think at the end about the morality, the legal system, peer pressure and the human desire to conform, etc. If you're honest with yourself it's a film that can really challenge some previously automatic beliefs you had about yourself as a person. Like the first time I watched it in my early 20s, admitting to myself that I probably would have been one of the jurors to cave to the majority opinion purely out of peer pressure was a reality I didn't really want to face.
I still can’t believe this movie flopped at the box office and almost ended John carpenter’s career. It’s an amazing whodunnit with the thing being able to be anyone at anytime. I watch it once a year when it’s really cold and snowing.
Blade Runner: The Final Cut. My favorite movie. If you watch the theatrical cut, shame on you. Seriously don’t do it. Sadly the sequel and related media are all connected to the theatrical cut. They fundamentally changed parts of the lore because of this. Secondly, The Final Cut is the canonical version.
Run Lola Run (German film, subtitles available in several languages)
Citizen Kane
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Ocean's Eleven (2001, watch it anyway, it's great!)
12 Monkeys
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2001 A Space Odyssey
The Shining
Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Wizard of Oz, Raging Bull, Samurai Trilogy (Musashi Miyamoto), Ran, TMNT, Stand By Me, Mulholland Dr., Papillon, Kids, The Professional, The Toxic Avenger...super random list here off the top ...