Trump is revoking collective bargaining rights at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), ending union protections for thousands of airport security officers.
The Department of Homeland Security claims the move will improve efficiency and security, but unions argue it is a retaliatory attack on federal workers.
The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) plans to challenge the decision. TSA workers fear the rollback will worsen working conditions and retention.
The policy reverses union rights granted under Obama and expanded by Biden.
Y'all missing the point. Fuck cops sure. But an attack on one union is an attack on unions. Push to abolish the TSA AND support their collective rights.
TSA is part of the whole post 9/11 patriot act authoritarian push. It needs to end. It was a pointless unnecessary overreaction then, and it remains so.
TSA are cops. And cops aren't workers. They're class traitors. The enforcement arm of capital.
Boss: I've decided to pay you shit wages and expect you to work nightmare hours.
Union: We've all banded together and would collectively like to tell you that we prefer better wages and more reasonable hours, or else we will strike.
Boss: I've decided you can't do that, or else.
Union: Yes, or else, indeed. That's the core concept here.
Call his fuckin' bluff, or else you don't really have a union at all.
Does the president actually have the power to union-bust, or is he just continuing to do what he wants...? I realize it's largely an academic question, since no one will resist this guy's illegal actions...
The implication of the summary text is that the protections were granted by executive mandate, not through legislation, so presumably they could be revoked the same way.
I'm largely uninformed on the specifics, but it's insane that he can use EOs to give himself the authority to do a thing, then go do the thing he previously wasn't allowed to do. What the fuck, America!?
That’s incorrect, and these situations aren’t close to comparable.
When Biden was in power, eight out of twelve unions had already ratified the contract, and the senate passed a bill to force the final four to accept it. It passed 80-15, so Biden couldn’t have vetoed it if he wanted to.
Trump is attempting to ban unions altogether, by executive order.
There is no way to quantify the number of attacks that would have happened without the TSA. "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". The TSA is a very effective deterrent.
TSA is worthless, my friend. Nobody should support their agency. Fire them all, please. I do, however, support workers unionizing and striking, and if that is TSA employees, high five.