Trump on Canada: "I spoke to Governor Trudeau ... they don't have military protection, and you take a look at what's going on out there ... people are in danger ... they need our protection."
Trump on Canada: "I spoke to Governor Trudeau ... they don't have military protection, and you take a look at what's going on out there ... people are in danger ... they need our protection."
What are we in danger of? Having too many resources that don't belong to the US? I'm waiting for someone to wake up and realize the third time's the charm so we can stop having to entertain this idiot.
How precise are Canada's targeting systems? I don't want a war with you guys because my idiot president will carpet bomb your could theoretically end this whole fiasco in 3-5 preemptive missile strikes...just putting that out there if anyone has the keys
It's much easier for someone on the inside to do it. Less political and the successor won't feel obligated to start/continue a war. It's why America sends the CIA to Venezuela (et al) instead of missiles.
Why is it every time I hear this shitstain-tan asshole go on about taking my country, all I can think of is the British of 1812 burning down the White House and a passing thought of "hang on now..."
So if you go to Washington, Its buildings clean and nice
EDIT: Seriously, though, the last time a fascist regime had their capital burned it only made the fascists stronger. You can use the imagery of a burning White House to keep yourself motivated while you participate in the boycott of American products and services and engage in other activities to help the Canadian economy weather the upcoming storm, but actually trying to burn the place would just make things worse.
This should go without saying but this is Lemmy, after all.
Stop sending the US oil. Stop sending natural gas. Stop sending electricity. Stop sending steel and aluminum. Stop sending them rare earths. Stop sending them wood. Do it immediately. Do it now.
We will see who needs who.
Yes, this would cause economic pain in Canada. So will not doing it.
Everything above is in demand all over the world.
Frankly, every other county should attend a summit next month where we ALL agree to stop sending the US anything and stop buying anything from the US.
If America wants to isolate themselves, I say let’s go!!
The double edged sword of international trade, we all sink and swim together. Last time the US had an economic recession, it was felt worldwide. The last time the US had a depression WW2 happened.
Right a reasonable human would understand that but we are talking about Trump here. Most of the stuff he's doing WILL hurt the global economy but until it starts hurting his bottom line all's fair game to him. Same way he's testing the waters in his own country in respect with laws.
Trump next week: We need to invade Canada...they need help...they are forced to learn languages there, things they buy have a language on it nobody can learn.. Its terrible
The United States will happily supply all the weapons our oldest ally, Canada, needs for this battle of survival against the tyrannical forces of the United States. Will you be paying with cash, credit, layaway, or mineral rights to all your natural resources?
I’m not expecting Trudeau to respond to stupid shit like this but he’s been pretty silent this week. I’m hoping that means he has some trade deals to announce.
The good news about global tariff threats is that it would be really easy to find allies that would match responding tariffs made against our exports or diverting required resources away from that orange fuck.
Responding in a slow pace is a feature not a bug : the toddler in chief will get bored and might go get is dopamine with another target, while we redirect export elsewhere
Harper came out to say that worst case if he was in Trudeau's position he would have just dealt with the bad economy for a few years until Trump gets replaced.
(Edit: my opinion from here) Introduce help measures like during COVID (some form of UBI) and regulations to prevent banks from seizing the property of those losing their job due to the tariffs and yeah we would end up with more debt as a country, but we would keep our sovereignty.
I'm sorry, Harper talked about UBI and banking regulations? The right honourable Stephen Harper? The one who had to be dragged, kicking and screaming by his own caucus, to respond to the 2008 crisis with anything other than austerity?
My guy, Republicans aren't going anywhere in 4 years. Canada is part of their goal and they will not stop. The Oligarchs want it and don't want to pay for it. They don't care if both economies suffer in the process because they have ways to profit out of it.
Canada has underfunded its military for decades. Now that we have a powerful neighbour talking about anexing us, we really should start funding it more.
Yup, lets negotiate with France and Britain to let us have 5 of their nukes while we build up up our army and seek deeper integration with the future European army.
I mean it varies on the areas, safety from fascist takeovers is ranked from lowest to highest: blue states < Canada < Europe < Australia.
I don’t think Donald Trump would launch an invasion until after the election at the soonest as he is waiting to see if the republican friendly Pierre Poilievre gets elected with a majority government. I hope our fellow voters can see past the Canadian parallel of Viktor Yanukovych.
I mean he isn't really wrong as much as people hate to hear it. We have relied on being next to America for decades and have cut our military spending for decades. It is not a party issue as both have done it.
And in danger of what the world is changing and Canada needs to get it's shit together. I thought cocos would have been the wake up call, but maybe this well be.
No, this is a crock of shit. Our best defence is the logistical nightmare of invading over an ocean, which we happen to be surrounded by three. No yank has ever died in defence of Canadian soil, only Canadian lives have been lost being dragged into foreign US wars. If we've let our military be underfunded it's because we haven't had any significant threats, and if we need to fund it now it's because our only significant threat is the USA.
Not only that, but the US spends American taxpayer money at arms manufacturers based in the US. American taxpayers are subsidizing those businesses. If Canada were to buy weapons to boost its defense spending, it would almost certainly be shopping at those arms manufacturers because Canada doesn't have much of a defense industry to buy from. Why should Canada be supporting the US defense industry?
And then there's what the US gains from its defense spending. Remember Haliburton in the gulf war(s)? The US uses its military to benefit its industries. Even though Canada has participated in virtually all the US adventures, I really doubt that Canadian companies benefited from those wars the same way the US companies did.
I mean yes, but what are we in danger of? One main reason we've dropped our military numbers, as far as I understand it, is that we don't have any serious enemies that are close to home. Russia invading over the artic has been the only "close" enemy, and even then it's been totally unrealistic for that to occur.