Gamers Nexus might start including Linux gaming tests in their hardware reviews
Pretty exciting times ahead as Valve might finally release SteamOS to more hardware. This amount of Linux desktop coverage would be unimaginable few years ago.
Well, no surprise, AMD's cooperation with Linux/Mesa/etc. devs is longer and deeper than Nvidia's. In fact, when Linus Torvalds was asked about how cooperative Nvidia are, he gave them the finger.
Your nvidia information might be outdated since driver version 560.x. And I'm getting tired of the anti nvidia circlejerk in the Linux communities on lemmy.
At least Shadow of the Tomb Raider (+20fps) and Cyberpunk (+5fps) run better than they did on windows with the same settings, for me. And those are the only games I tested, because they are the only AAA titles I own that come with a performance test.
I'm not defending nvidia here, there are still issues like missing multi monitor vrr or a few (!) titles that are too broken to play. And it's not as much of an out of the box experience as it is with AMD.
But for most people that own an nvidia card it's probably already a good idea to make the switch from windows.
So, to anyone owning a nvidia card having doubts: feel free to try things out!
To provide some additional anecdotes to support jul's comment. I've personally been experiencing better performance than windows even with nvidia. Though it does vary per game, with the occasional workaround especially when going outside the realm of plug and play to mod games.
I'd say most games are great, the "10% low" games are still good, and the "1% lows" where things just don't work are pretty rare but sometimes there is a fix. Proton.db is a good resource for those instances.
And being honest... windows has those moments too, people just ignore them because windows is the ubiquitous gaming OS.
It's a lot better than when I had last "tried" and it may be more impactful to bring up that this time I haven't gone back even once, and I actually went ahead and pulled the plug on my windows partition.
Linux is just better now, there's one thing windows had but I gave it up. Linux is just better for most things now and to make that win even better.. windows has increasingly been becoming worse than itself.
there are edge cases where linux performa better, especially with older apis because dx9/dx11 to vulkan allows for more draw calls than thr native language can do.
then you have rare situations like elden rings launch ehere shader caching was broken on windows and vulkans shader caching on linux worked making elden ring play better on linux
Do you think most games might perform better on linux in the future? When game makers put more effort towards optimising for linux considering linux has less bloatware etc?
I remember playing Neverwinter Nights and running it on Linux providing a more stable and clean experience than on Windows. Even modding it was easier.
Yep. What I was meaning, will SteamOS boot right into KDE and be a computer operating system first, or boot into big picture mode and be a gaming system first.
Changes aren't lost on update. If you enable a sudo user/password, and make changes to the system that way, those changes can be lost when applying the new system image.
Its an immutable Arch-based distro and you have full readwrite to your home directory and all config, settings, and files within persist.
I reckon there are quite a few people who are waiting for its release before trying Linux.
I always recommend against it people wanting a gaming linux desktop
SteamOS being an immutable operating system works a bit different to most well known operating systems
albeit this also makes any breackage almost impossible
I am pretty sure even LTT Linus said he was waiting for a SteamOS release before trying again. I was thinking, like damn dude, if you can't use PopOS, how will this be any different for you.
albeit this also makes any breackage almost impossible
Maybe, just maybe, this will stop people like him from catastrophically uninstalling their entire desktop environment.
It boots into Game scope (as others said, it's not "big picture mode" it's a compositor stack tailored for high gaming performance) but it's nothing more than an immutable arch distribution (and immutability can be disabled for tweaking) so you could definitely swap the defaults if someone has documented how.
Would be a nice feature to have once SteamOS becomes independent of the deck.
Windows gamers and reviewers seemed to not realize AMD cpu performance was nerfed on Windows until the latest gen AMD release. From time to time there have also been issues with Windows scheduling for Intel cpus. Including a competing OS in comparisons allows reviewers to sanity check stuff like that. Wendell had the most balanced reviews because he was presenting cross platform and productivity along with Windows gaming performance. When Microsoft held a monopoly that sort of reviewing wasn't possible. You had no idea if Windows was nerfing particular platforms or why.
Overall Linux gaming might be worse or some titles really bad but lets get it out in the open. It will be good for all consumers because it will drive improvement.
It's the right thing to do. Windows isn't nearly as stable or reproducible as a testing platform anymore and I imagine it's a PITA to handle for benchmarking dozens of not hundreds of hardware configs.
Of course they'll still do those Windows tests, not suggesting they won't, but Linux may become a more useful benchmarking platform for reviewers thanks to the control and automation it provides.
A whole host of configurations can be quickly booted and tested on a benchmark suite to confirm performance of older hardware and provide context, whilst newer products can get a bespoke review on all platforms. If a new benchmark game comes out, it'll be way easier to insert into the Linux setups than Windows.