I can usually make sense of that eventually. What grinds my gears is when people crop out the date. Was this written today? Last week? Last year? Couldn't tell ya.
They've been complaining for like a decade at least. I think the big one they started was a Wolfenstein from 2014? But I'm sure it was happening on a smaller scale much earlier.
Hell, even during WW2 lots of capitalism and Republicans openly argued for staying out of the war or even joining the actual Nazis.
At the time they were fighting the Soviet Union, which capitalists saw as the ultimate enemy. So enemy of my enemy is my friend situation. This was also before Pearl Harbor and the final solution.
Oh weird, I got a completely different message from this. I read it as "Trump is your president. You're bragging about punching fascists in games, but you voted for one for president." I'm guessing I'm in the wrong with my assumption though
While I understand this reading, even the briefest of glances at that guy's twitter leaves absolutely no doubt about how much he is bought into the pro-Trump anti-"woke" mindset