The other day my brother and I were talking about some science experiment we were doing as kids, how we had a lot of fun until our dad barged into the room and got mad at us for messing with that stuff. We were laughing about it and were like yeah our dad is such an asshole. Then my brother went like: "Yeah do you remember what happened next?". I was like: "No I don't remember, I remember him being angry and shouting but not much else." This was a typical Tuesday for us back in the day, so I didn't think there was more to remember. My brother said: "Yeah he beat you up so bad you went unconscious for over a minute. I was scared he had beat you to death. Our dad turned white and stormed out of the room as soon as your eyes opened again." We both laughed and were like "Damn that's fucked up".
I heard a EMS war story one time that will be with me until my dying day. This guy was also a certified diver and after catching a lot of shit from a idiot about why he was working as hole watch for laborers pay on a plant shut down he shut that asshole up with it. Its one of those stories you wish you could unhear.
As an old medic, I will warn each and everyone of you to never, ever, ever go out to eat with a group of EMS people. Unless you really want to be scarred for life.
Oof. Tell me about it. I went to a Gen pop hospital after working in a level 1 peds ER and the other ER folks gave me "the look" when I talked about some of the stuff at the peds hospital. Non-accidental trauma cases are a special kind of PTSD.
I was, because I was browsing on desktop, and not wanting to save the shit on my computer - that's what the phone is for. I also didn't want to have to find the FB posts again because their search function is about as intelligent as a slack jawed koala.