Fermentation makes a huge difference to food security. It lets you take excess calories available only in the good times, and bring them forward to the times where scarcity is the norm.
Plus drunk people get up to some real silly shit they might not otherwise get up to and probably accidentally stumbled on some other advances.
I could see the wheel coming out of drunken escapades, probably starting with a game of "how far can roll rock down hill?", which led to shaping rocks to optimize their rolling distance, and then later attaching two rounded rocks to each other with a stick, then the realization that trying to stand on the stick and make it move is fun, then some people trying to put something on top of it that's easier to stand on and eventually finding a primitive bearing system that probably went through many sticks, which led to the invention of lubrication (which would have started as reinforcement with grasses until it was discovered that the oils from the grasses make a bigger difference than the grasses themselves), and then at some point someone pulled it around for their kids or something and then someone thought of having animals pull them. They probably had the first chariot races later that week and then Gilgamesh used them to conquer the known world because you could stick a lot of food in them and keep an army going for longer between raids.
Though it was probably logs that led to the wheel, since they can skip the whole shaping and attaching them to each other.
Loss of plentiful fruit habitat; forcing folks to hunt big game meaning throwing/coop battles become much more important and lots of cholesterol in the diet enabling fat wrinkles in teh brains
Mushroom consumption giving rise to complex culture where big brains is teh sexy.
Complex mouth parts enabled much more complex music making big brains teh sexy
We is made in the image of god.... So duh we is smart.
I've seen most of the explanations except for "lots of cholesterol in the diet enabling fat wrinkles in the brains."
One would think if that is the case then the brain of high cholesterol humans would be vastly more wrinkled than whatever the normal or lower cholesterol levels are. I'm not even sure how cholesterol would cause your brain to wrinkle. I'm assuming fat rolls=brain rolls in their minds.