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Tywele Tywele

🌿 Vegan 🌿

🏳️‍⚧️ She/Her 🏳️‍⚧️


Posts 312
Comments 708
[Solved] How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings?
  • That was new to me. Thank you for sharing.

  • Neues europäisches Bezahlsystem Wero gestartet
  • Bei mir kommt der gleiche Link beim Teilen raus. Auch mit Sync

  • Witch shop ✨️by Lemonjuiceday


    Homelab Organization
  • I have an Ansible playbook that I use to setup everything and all troubleshooting steps I ever had to take to fix something get written down in an vault.

  • Steam survey for June 2024, Linux still above 2%
  • SteamOS Holo is the Steam Deck

  • Neues europäisches Bezahlsystem Wero gestartet
  • Ich frage mich dann immer was will man großartig an Anreizen noch bieten? Was soll so eine App oder Bezahlmöglichkeit noch alles zusätzlich können im Gegensatz zu PayPal?

  • How supportive is your family of your transition? (Rate 1-6)
  • I think everyone is on level 1 (That includes my mother, brother, sister in law, nephew, 2 cousins, aunt and uncle. My grandparents don't know anything yet.) except my father who is I believe on level 3 although I don't see him too often (every few months) so I can't really tell what he thinks.

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • You are assuming that they only started now from point 0. They have probably been working on it for a bit before announcing everything.

  • [Solved] How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings?
  • I think your only option is to contact support for that. I think I remember reading that it is possible with their help.

  • Pixel 9 in pink revealed - hanibioud
  • Anyone else thought that "revealed" meant that they would have a picture of it?

  • How to Stare at Your Phone Without Losing Your Soul
  • That's a good perspective on this.

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • Before I do that I usually try to ask the question here to generate some content and interaction. If it's for some niche community that doesn't exist I ask the question in a more general community. Usually works out pretty well.

    Edit: good to well

  • [Solved] How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings?
  • As I said in the post body already. The name in my AppleID settings is the new one already.

  • [Solved] How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings?

    cross-posted from: >I have set my new name everywhere I can in the AppleID settings but the old name is still showing up in this place, and maybe in other places which I haven't seen yet. But how can I get my chosen name to show up here? > > (for clarity, this is the profile picture selection on iPadOS)

    Solution: The solution for me was that I had to change my name in the contacts.

    More comprehensive solution here


    [Solved] How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings?

    cross-posted from: >I have set my new name everywhere I can in the AppleID settings but the old name is still showing up in this place, and maybe in other places which I haven't seen yet. But how can I get my chosen name to show up here? > > (for clarity, this is the profile picture selection on iPadOS)

    Solution: The solution for me was that I had to change my name in the contacts.

    More comprehensive solution here


    [Solved] How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings?

    I have set my new name everywhere I can in the AppleID settings but the old name is still showing up in this place, and maybe in other places which I haven't seen yet. But how can I get my chosen name to show up here?

    (for clarity, this is the profile picture selection on iPadOS)

    Solution: The solution for me was that I had to change my name in the contacts.

    More comprehensive solution here

    !! Community umgezogen zu !!
  • Eine Möglichkeit wäre, dich über einzuloggen, dort kannst du in den Einstellungen der Community dann festlegen, dass nur noch Moderatoren posten können.

    Ob es in der Jerboa App tatsächlich keine Möglichkeit für das Schließen einer Community gibt, weiß ich leider auch nicht. Ich benutze Sync for Lemmy.

    Die Anzahl an (DACH) Veganen hier ist überschaubar ist. Es macht Sinn, sich erstmal auf eine Community zu konzentrieren. Aber welche das wird, liegt natürlich an den Usern.

    Manchmal muss man die Leute zu ihrem Glück zwingen. 😅

  • Tax The Rich
  • Ich kann mich nicht mehr erinnern, ob ich die Initiative bereits unterstützt habe oder nicht. Was würde passieren, wenn ich sicherheitshalber nochmal unterstütze?

  • Blue Mermaid by Jenna



    Witch by Luca



    Mermaid of the Lake by Michelle Fus



    A Witch's Day by NAK



    Green Mermaid by Jenna



    Mermaid CDQ Cover by Jackie Droujko



    angel witch and familiar by Meyoco



    I added a pull request that would fix navigation for me and probably many other people Added home, settings and explore menu entries back into sidebar by Tywele · Pull Request #336 · Xyphyn/photon

    I think the new navigation layout is too different from the old layout and messes up muscle memory and the frontpage button is also too far away and leads to too much mouse movement for a button th...

    Added home, settings and explore menu entries back into sidebar by Tywele · Pull Request #336 · Xyphyn/photon

    The only thing that's missing from the new navigation layout is in my opinion an easily accessible "Frontpage" button like there was in the old navigation layout. So I made a pull request to re add the Frontpage, Settings and Explore buttons back into the sidebar for easier access.


    What's the story of your name?

    Just to have some conversation here I'm curious how you chose your name if you've already chosen one and what the story behind it is? And if you haven't chosen your name yet, maybe people are able to help you decide.

    As for me it was always pretty clear which name I would choose because a few years before even realising I'm trans much less coming out I asked my mum what name I would have gotten if I was born a girl. She told me that I always successfully hid my genitals on every ultrasound picture (kind of prophetic in hindsight) so my parents had to choose a name for both possibilities. And thus a name was already chosen for me that fit perfectly. 🥰

    I'm curious to hear your stories!


    How do I give permanent permission to an extension that asks for permission on every website visit?

    I have the an extension installed for Firefox and I see the green dot under my extension menu on every website visit and everytime I reload a website indicating that it asks for permission to read data on that website again. When I hover over it it tells me that I can allow it for this visit and the cog wheel menu has the option "only when clicked" for "extension can read and write data" ticked. Clicking on that option does nothing.

    How do I give the permission permanently? It's annoying to have to click that everytime.


    New layout feels atrocious

    Why was "Profile", "Inbox" and "Saved" switched with "Home"? On a big screen "Home" is all the way in the top right corner even though it is an action that is used way more than viewing your profile, inbox and/or saved posts/comments?

    And there is no reason to have the menu that is accessed by your profile pic to be in the opposite corner. IMO this is all very unintuitive.

    At least return the home menu point to the left column menu. Please.

    It feels like these changes were mainly done for mobile and desktop was a bit forgotten.


    Ad free YouTube App

    cross-posted from: >I recently discovered SmartTube Next for Android TV to get an ad free experience and integrated Sponsorblock on my Nvidia Shield TV. > > I found NewPipe for my phone but I don't see a way to connect my YouTube account to it and I guess I need to import my subs manually every time I change something. > > So I'm wondering if there is an alternative YouTube app that is blocking ads (and ideally integrates Sponsorblock) for my smartphone and has the ability to connect my YouTube account like SmartTube Next does?


    The mushroom witch and her familiar by Clivenzu


    The annual gender census of 2024 is now open

    cross-posted from: >cross-posted from: > >Link to the survey itself:
