It's still up significantly from 1 year ago.
Their quarterly report is going to be really interesting. Since Tesla now literally cannot be investigated by the SEC or any other federal agency, I think cooking the books to hide the sales crash is very much on the table.
Recouping losses from stagnant inventory by burning cars may lead to a short term bounce. However, and I say this with my full chest. Fuck Musk.
No fun until it's under 100 and stablely decreasing.
Even at $99, I would think it’s overvalued.
People have said its overvalued for decades now.
And it is, but you can still buy the stock and make a profit, as you can see from the last decade....
But I would not hold it long term today. Not because of the nazi stuff, that will blow over. But because the actual car is not impressive anymore and other car makers make better cars.
Why buy a Tesla when its quality is awful and Elon Musk is a horrible human being? When its autopilot is lethal?
Oh they’re going to be making so much money, as an investor you’ll reap the rewahahahaha -aaahhh couldn’t do it.
Y’know when he fired everyone on a whim a year or two ago and one victim was the charging network? That was the whole shootin’ match right there. This is just a lot of sturm und drang while it explodes.
It’s all hot potato now.
It was around 180 for a long time. Still comically overvalued, it’s just a roiling cauldron of stock market stupidity.
Still, yes, stonks fail lol.
I'm starting to see more opinion pieces from media personalities like Cramer trying to pivot the Tesla narrative to they are more than a car company they are AI and humanoid robot company. Which is hilarious because it's been 10 years since Elon said any day we'd have full self driving.
“[On JPMorgan cutting TSLA to $120 and losing brand value] He very quickly has to talk once again about how the company is an artificial intelligence, humanoid company."
Make the share prices fall further
I shorted the stock last month and I'm shorting again. Gotta lit candle at $170 for May that I hope pays off.
Sidenote: don't gamble....
Ive got 200s for this month. Im green overall, but the theta fight is gonna come knocking quickly
The more people that short the stock....the better for everyone.
Is there any way I (someone with no stocks at all) can make the number go down?
Bullet hole and napalm Tesla vehicles and dealerships. Make them toxic to buyers and the insurance industry. That's how we're getting here and going further.
If you see a driver get out at the 7-11, fuck with him. Grow a pair and call them a fascist cunt in front of god and everyone. Make them afraid.
Vandalise Teslas! Jk. (For legal reasons)
I think he might start getting margin called as it crosses 150. That will be fun to watch, especially if it picks up speed.
I check the Nazi stock every morning for a quick pick-me-up, personally. I also like to get ALL the Nazis: