China’s special envoy for European affairs, Lu Shaye, has said he is “appalled” by US President Donald Trump’s treatment of America’s European allies. He added that a peace deal for Ukraine should not be decided solely by the US and Russia.
China could have stopped the war in Ukraine at any time by not giving Russia electronics and equipment
They want Europe to feel threatened so that we come to them for help where they can put on the mask of protector when in reality they want to turn the entire world in the dystopian shitshow they have in China
They want Europe to feel threatened so that we come to them for help where they can put on the mask of protector when in reality they want to turn the entire world in the dystopian shitshow they have
I don't condone the dude or what he's done at all. The guys a war criminal several times over. But you gotta hand it to the guy, he took control of the most powerful nation the world has ever known (it's pretty clear who's pulling the oompa-lumpas strings) without firing a shot. Morals aside it's an impressive achievement.
China lecturing on fairness? Pot calling the kettle black, but the US could use humility. Relevant and thought-provoking critique of global diplomacy under Trump.
You meant to use jilted (as in jilted lovers) - gilted means covered in a thin layer of gold... and if you wanted gilted you'd probably be better of using gilded which is a much more commonly used word for essentially the same connotation of richness.
It’s not about serving China’s interest so much as no longer serving American interest. As an example, Biden persuaded its partners in Europe and East Asia to exclude China from crucial chip technology. If China changes its approach to Ukraine sharing this technology with them should be on the table. There’s is simply no longer any reason for Europe to be part of this Cold War-like tension between the US and China, when it’s Russia that is our main concern.
Only because US abandoning Ukraine means the US can turn its attention to China, which China obviously don't like. This is a point made by political analyst, William Spaniel, as to why China and Russia are not friends. And Putin could be convincing Trump to turn his attention to China for said reasons. Moreover, China's pov on the crumbling free trade will be detrimental to the country that is still reliant on many imports of raw materials, and exports of their finished goods. It is ironic that China today is being 20th century United States; in which the foreign policy is based continued international trade.
I mean at this point, Trump’s preferred end state is basically China except stupid and unpredictable.
They see such an obvious opportunity for increasing their soft power that they’re saying things here that might actually slow down a move towards a world where taking Taiwan by force is acceptable.
These guys operate on such a long horizon that they can afford to keep cajoling Taiwan for decades. In fact they might just let neoliberalism hollow out Taiwan while standards of living in China rise, till the point when the majority opinion turns positive towards PRC. It may or may not happen but I think it's one likely scenario.
There should not be closer ties with china around the globe it's trading evil for evil. The fact is that china is going to use this opportunity to take over the pacific and their neighbors that they claim are theirs by right of history. If you despise the usa and russia don't move toward china who are no better. Better yet stop sending china and the usa anything. Cut trade with them completely. Make it harder for them to produce weapons of war to help slow their build up.
Yeah they do. I'm just saying it as I see it. They've been a solid economic partner for years and haven't started any aggression on the world stage my entire life. You're really rather do business with the US than China right now? What exactly have you got except the same tired old prejudices?
The Philippines might want a word with you. Tell them they've done nothing aggressive on the world stage your entire life. Were you born yesterday? Even if you were it wouldn't change the fact that even yesterday they were making aggressive moves toward them in their own territorial waters.
China has been outspoken against the war in Ukraine since way before, but didn't want to loose Russia as an ally, while the EU was under US influence. Now that that is changing, China has more room to act.
Same if you look at the Iran/Russia relationship. It was mostly an alliance out of geopolitical necessity. Now that Israel is more brazen about its cooperation with Russia, probably looking towards a new Alliance of Russia, US, Israel politics in the Middle East, Iran will also change its position towards Russia.
Any political advesery will take any opportunity, ESPECIALLY China, to make statements like this, because they can. They pretend to take the high road in order score points.
It's laughable that anyone can even take it at face value. I am serious when I say that Trump was elected because people are so fucking dumb, that they can't see the emperor has no clothes.
This is the same kind of bullshit political messaging, and it's outrageous that you can even give China the benefit of the doubt.
I'm not trying to say USA is good, China is bad. I'm saying China has a history of this bullshit, so now you eat it up because they are talking shit about the abomination the U.S. has become.
FYI, saying China has been outspoken against the war is a perfect example.
It doesn't cost them anything to say it, meanwhile they are happily selling weapons to Russia.
Just like US saying what is happening in Palestine is bad, while dumping armaments be on Israel.
Talk is so cheap, so you have to look at actions and China's actions are about as bad as they come.