Like Trump says that the cartels have invaded Canada wouldn't they have to pass through the US, avoid checkpoint, border control on both sides and many other things? So Canada can only blame the US?
I'm not gonna touch the insane ramblings of the Cheeto, but I will remind you that the oceans exist and you can very easily take a boat from Mexico to Canada without ever entering the US if you wanted to.
This highlights the folly of trying to lock down the Canada-US land border. If you really wanted to cut down drugs and human trafficking, you'd focus on ports of entry to the continent. The border is just way too long. Only an idiot would try to police its full length. If you think it's only the 4000 miles from Maine to Washington State, you're forgetting that extra 1500 miles with Alaska.
Just a friendly reminder too that a 2015 report from the ATF found that 71% of the guns the cartels use are bought in the United States and carried south across the border. The United States is just as complicit in the rise of cartel related crime as the cartels themselves!
Cartels have boats, but no one's shipping drugs up to Canada just to smuggle them south: They just get shipped directly to the US
Trump is just making up an excuse to justify cutting off trade with Canada.
Really, the whole fentanyl thing seems like scaremongering: People do overdose on it, but you won't die from touching it or inhaling trace quantity. It's not even the most potent opioid known, not even close to it.
I personally think the whole Fent stuff is bs. Like cops od'ing if they even touch the pill with barehands and shit. If that was the case then the people who have trouble swallowing pills who take Fent we should just tell them just hold it in your hand for a little bit. I have literally been putting pills in a bottle and drop one on our medical plate pick it up with barehands and toss it in the bottle. Never got high or even a buzz.
I think the "holding" thing is referring to if they touch feet without gloves and then rub their eyes or any other mucosal membrane, they can experience the drugs effects. Where I work, we get regular fent OD training and are given Narcan to carry around so....I can't imagine it's extremely dangerous as suggested to bystanders.
Edit: I'm leaving the autocorrect as it is because it's hilarious
Pitting Canada against the USA is a tactic designed by people smarter than Trump. Obviously. It's working on millions of citizens of both countries, including you. Don't be ashamed. It wasn't Trump that manipulated you.
Hey now dem dur fittin wirds. anna take it oot back? I didn't vote for that orange piece of shit. I saw this coming from a mile away it just kind of seems like if cartels are in Canada then its the US that needs to be fixed instead of Canada dealing with a problem we pretty much created a market for them to grow.
You're trying to apply conventional logic to the orange one. That doesn't work. Stop doing that. It's all about his frail ego, flooding the zone with bs, denying everything and never giving in, and blaming everybody else for stuff he's done.
And just to give the poor, battered, beleaguered, ever-so-stable leader a break, there are sea lanes and flight routes available to the cartels as well. They didn't have to go through the US (but probably did).
bold of you to assume he thoroughly thinks out half his comments. hell, one time he proposed banning guns to stop school shootings, which republicans said democrats would do as a reason to vote red for years, and every trump-supporting gun owner was down bad for it. but it never happened
“I like taking the guns early,” Trump said during a televised meeting on gun laws at the White House on Wednesday. “To go to court would have taken a long time.”
Say that to a supporter, but pretend Biden said it. I've popped a couple of heads off with that trick!
I grew up to hate bullies and this just reminds me of bullying. Not saying US is the better country or anything. But really want to have a shirt printed up that says I side with Canada. I prolly get killed since im stationed in the deep south at the moment. But would be worth it.
Canada touches the Atlantic and the pacific and so does the US and so does Mexico. Why would you have to go from one ocean to the other? Just sail up the coast pick an ocean and go