And they'd be right. But not for any of the reasons they think. Or motives they think. Or outcomes they think.
Our media is ..... what is State Media but controlled by oligarchy instead of government? Does that word exist? It definitely exists in German. But im not sure about English.
In a shocking coincidence, it just so happens that 100% of the fake news is stuff they don't like and all of the real news just happens to be everything they agree with. Truly an incredibly coincidence.
Not really when you're always right about everything all the time. I'm not even being sarcastic. This is what they believe and what allows them to believe things like, "anything I disagree with is wrong."
Dems and reps are essentially in two different realities now - what one side consumes to other is fake news. Everything around them is explained and interpreted diametrally different and division increases every day. A lot of blood will be spilled to recover american society from this sorry state.
Does this include the leftists that know mainstream media is biased though? Because I don't trust the media to report accurately, however I try to combat that by looking at multiple news sources with varying biases rather than fuckin youtube
This is the roughly 30% of America that is immovable in every Trump poll ever. They are dug in and have deliberately decided to never think critically again.
It's become that now, because of trump, and the news' failure as journalists. They're basically complicit, and won't report plainly.
oders hospital to be stuffed with puppies and blown up
"In a spectacular, controversial move indicative of the president's unusual presentation style..."
Pussies. They think their job is to have a certain news-like tone, instead of understanding reality which is that their job is to tell the god damn news.