Joke's on you; I drive with generic Ford Focus badges, rotate my number plate for each new road, and use a curated set of bumper stickers that match 67% of other road users for harder fingerprinting.
When I want to be extra sneaky I drive my car into a lorry (semi), drive the lorry onto a train, offload the car while on the train and change lines, load into a different lorry, disembark the train a short way away from the locality I want to reach, drive half way in the lorry, then get the car out for the final few miles. I call this method, "The Onion Road," because of the layers of privacy.
I have magnets for my car; American flags, 'Don't Tread on Me", etc. (I wanted to get a Molon Labe/μολὼν λαβέ magnet, but my partner said no.)
It's camouflage because I live in a deep red area.
I would put gun stickers on the car--god knows I have enough--but a 'Glock perfection' sticker = free gun in glove box, and is asking for a break-in while you're in the Piggly Wiggly.