Posted speed limits in nearly 200 Mississauga school zones will soon increase to 40 km/h
With the new amendments on local roads, City of Mississauga officials said the speed limit will remain 30 km/h from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday, and outside that period will be increased to 40 km/h. The move was prompted by complaints from drivers that the 30 km/h limit was too low during times when there were no students and other people around.
Going from 30km/h to 40km/h might not feel much faster to a driver, but getting hit by a car at 40 km/h would cause way more damage than one going 30.
And that assumes the speed limits are followed. Around here, 40km/h = 60km/h.
Drivers in residential areas aren't being slowed down because of these speed limits. It's the stops they have to make at intersections that slows them down.
Which is probably why the majority of drivers ignore stop signs, too... 😮💨
That's what it's like where I am at. 45 is normal, but during school hours drop off and pick up times for the schools it's 25. They have flashing lights on each side of the school zone and it's hard to miss.
With morning traffic you are only going to go 25 anyway, so it's not like it's a huge issue.