And now I see why he chickened out of the fight with Zuckerberg. Zuck vs. the X Fail Whale. Would have been epic.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like Zuck, and would have been cheering for him to clumsily trip as he was led from the ring, but I do have my preferred order of courses in my billionaire buffet, and the Elon course comes first.
Don’t bother, the young American left has become allergic to humour, jokes, roasts and comedy in general. They’ve become just as hyper offended and humourless as conservatives.
Canadian leftist here, I still like to laugh at a good fat joke, cause I’m not obsessed with this need to call people out for what they find funny
Are you the kind of person who sends letters to the network when a tv show says a joke that offends you? Where did people’s sense of humour go anyways?