The thing is if we give them human needs for free then other people won't want to work like slaves for human needs.
If we helped the homeless we would be treating them better than working Americans who waste 5/7ths or more of their lives contributing to this system. And that's hysterically sad
And others would risk a lot for a dream, possibly overtaking these oligarchs in wealth, and that’s too scary for them. They gotta keep those with drive in middle class jobs, getting by and being happy with owning a home instead of taking a risk on a dream.
Seems easy to be evil and want to kill homeless people because you know there's likely someone passed out that won't wake up for anything. Just run a bulldozer through a camp and you're going to get a kill. It's not like a random worker who doesn't deal with the homeless will know to check.
I swear bro, one more dozer sweep and we'll fix homelessness. Please, bro, just one more, we won't even kill someone this time. I swear bro, we're so close, just one more $40,000 sweep, it's got to work this time, come on, bro
I was wondering that too. But then, this is the kind of person that's cool with destroying everything people have left at the worst point in their lives so..
Please, don't say stuff like that... I've worked jobs where I loathed the company values, but I needed income... One charged more for funerals of "brown" people and had a book on the shelf of the manager's office that said "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS". I'm pansexual and my partner is an immigrant. A job is not a belief. A job is a way to keep a roof over your head until you find a better one
Come on, they most probably had zero choice in the matter... yes, they could have resigned in protest (and in a sense they should have), but we can't require that people be heroes
I know. But it's like meter maids. Everyone needs to pay bills. Maybe they salivated at the chance or maybe their life is ruined forever with trauma. The problem is we don't know them at all.
Guys rule number 1 of the disinformation age... dont meaningfully engage with a post thats only a title and jpeg. Just move on. Demand more of your social media. This is the benefit of an upvote downvote system but it does require our thought and consideration.
You're not wrong. This community was started yesterday and had nothing in it. So I tried to help get it started with some content I could quickly throw together. Maybe now that people know that it's here we can improve on it.
Is there a single homeless person on earth who is worried about or offended by the term homeless, that we had to make up a whole new term that means the exact same thing?
Isn't that kind of the point of changing a lot of these terms? To get us to think about the people that are excluded from the discourse surrounding them? Even if they don't prefer to be called unhoused, at least it starts a conversation of, "well what is their preferred terminology?"
Strange that so many here are ready to forgive Bulldozer Driver for willingly doing their job. Where I live there's no shortage of people who would happily drive the 'dozer over these "subhumans". It would make their day to do so. Dominate the hell out of them, up to and including the Final Solution! Judging by what I read in numerous regional forums, the same is true in cities and towns coast-to-coast. If you don't like a thing, then the solution is to destroy that thing through force and violence. And why not, just look at the subhumans, they deserve what they get, hell they're almost begging for it, what with their un-American panhandling and dirtiness and unwillingness to work!
Sure, some people probably hate driving the 'dozer and murdering people, yet (maybe) have few other choices to stay alive themselves. But I think plenty, maybe the majority, do their work because they hate the homeless and feel like heroes when they bring the blade down on them.
To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good, or else that it's a well-considered act in conformity with natural law. Fortunately, it is in the nature of the human being to seek a justification for his actions... Ideology—that is what gives the evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination.
They shoulda warned the campers that they were coming through so it was understood people would be in mortal danger from machines that can't see them covered up.
Can public authorities in the US kill people without consequence as long as they issued a warning? Like the "freeze or I'll shoot" from the movies? (asking from the other side of the Atlantic)
Sort of. Cops aren't supposed to shoot people unless they are threatening someone's safety, but practically they can get away with it in most circumstances quite easily because their judgement is assumed to be correct unless proven false.
You aren't supposed to bulldoze people. Full stop.
These people and his superiors do not want to get their hands dirty. That gigantic diesel-powered bulldozer protected the driver from the smell and kept him "clean".