Ha! My deepest experience with postgres was watching it fall over and wedge daily when run behind red hat's satellite (the flailing lame foreman one, not spacewalk).
Wow, was it ever a dog. Yeah, I get it: the company who shat Systemd on the planet can't be asked to do much better, but still.
PostgreSQL is just better. It's supports transactions on DDL (things like altering table structure) and enforces unique constraints after transactions complete ... so you can actually do a bunch of important stuff (like update your table structure or swap unique values between rows) safely.
Postgres also had the advantage of great support for JSON elements, which gives you the power of a no-sql system like mongo in the package. A major selling point if your schema is evolving.
Choosing is not so much about whether it's internet facing or not. From the programmer's perspective and an administrator's perspective there are pros and cons to both. As someone looking to self-host, if you want to run a service that works with either, I would make the choice based on what seems the most supported, or which one you feel the most comfortable looking up and performing administrative tasks on. I tend to use postgresql more just because I have more experience with it and can recommend it if that's what you need, but mysql can be just as good or better in many circumstances. Pick whichever one looks easier to you.
PostgreSQL is the more feature rich, but if you don't care about all those features like saving and searching in json structures, Geo data structures and a to of other stuff because you have a simple APO then MySQL is good enough, maybe even SQLite.
While there was a time, where those databases were considered “good”, they are only this famous because they have been free or open source for ages. Professors love open source stuff. This does not necessarily mean it is a good product in terms of database functionality. They have been stuck in the old age and simply get outperformed by almost anything. Professors also hate to change their slides and to learn something new. Because their priority is on functionality, not on real world use. And when you want to use a product in the real world, non-functional properties gain a lot of value. One of them is performance.
If you want to have a fast, reliable, open source database, use ClickHouse.
The answer is impossible to answer until you tell us more about your needs. Better choice considering what?
In general, untill you have terabytes of data or a significant amount of traffic (operations per second) database choice does not matter and you should be using cheaper option, where the cost should be assessed as a derivative of price of hosting, cost per operation, cost to deliver (how familiar you are with it).
When you have significant amount of data or traffic - only then you should worry about database kind or language. Until then this could be a premature optimization.
I have historically gone with PostgreSQL and had no complaints. The licensing issues concerning MySQL also give one pause (Oracle are greedy bastards who will use any excuse to extract money from captive customers, so depending on their properties is to be avoided). Having said that, these days, SQLite is probably sufficient for many workloads and has the advantage of not requiring a database server.
We used MySQL (and Percona XtraDB) servers at work, and it is so bad. So I made several presentations showing generic and specific reasons why Postgres is better. I had to cut a lot of content because MySQL is just that bad.
Some things may not seem relevant now, but as you keep the DB around long enough, you will appreciate the whole package of Postgres.
Things that will help a lot, but are extensions:
pg_partman - for automatic partition management
patroni - management of replicas, automatic failover - it does everything for you with simple commands
There is a DB comparison matrix, but hasn't been updated in over a year, which is a shame, but still gives you the idea of how different databases support SQL features: link.
Spoiler: postgres has the most support, with a huge lead
We have both MySQL and PostgreSQL in our production environment. Postgres is way nicer as a user of the DB. I created a document months ago outlining a dozen different things that Postgres does that MySQL either doesn't do or does worse. I can't speak to managing the DB as I don't have experience with that.
Hardly anyone ever says mysql is better. Postgres has a lot of nice features, But they're still a hell of a lot more people out there with mySQL experience.
If for some reason you really want to go mysql I would urge you to look into percona and percona tools. It's incredibly fast super optimized. The tools let you do backups that my sequel could only dream of.
That said, if you don't have any strong needs for mySQL, and you don't have any experience with it I would probably start picking up postgres.
My opinion is that of the two Postres is more "adult". So if you want to"just wing it" MariaDB would work, but if you're serious Postgres is a better choice. However Postgres also requires better understanding of you setup etc. So it's a ROI game - what's more important to your project, how complex your DB is, what are the requirements for availability, transaction security etc. There is no "better" or "worse" there's "feasible" and "prohibitive" 😉
The only reason I wouldn’t go with Postgres is if I planned to do other things on the same machine. MariaDB/MySQL has been around forever. You may find something that requires it — Wordpress1, for example, requires MariaDB (or MySQL but use MariaDB) and doesn’t support Postgres.
Also, there’s solutions like Docker containers if you are running multiple things on the same server. But if you’re just learning and putting one thing on a Raspberry Pi as a project or whatever, you don’t need to learn Docker yet.
1 I’m not recommending Wordpress. It’s ancient and has security issues all the time. But over 40% of sites on the Net still use it in some form. (I mean Wordpress.org, the open source project. The Wordpress company seems to be having some “crazy CEO” drama at the moment.)